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"Mom."Ryleigh smiled as Alexender bounced on Hunter's knee."Yes."I smiled."Nothing you just zoned out."She drank her water."Grammy look."Primrose held up a flower."Wow, sweetie, I smiled."Can I keep it."I nodded and put it in her hair."Why isn't my grandbaby in a tux."Gerald smiled."He didn't want one on."Ryleigh sighed.

"He threw a baby tantrum."Hunter sighed as Alexender smiled."He needs a diaper change."Ryleigh reached over as hunter got up and took his baby bag."Wait for me, hunter."Ryleigh followed.

"Grammy Can I have some juice please."I nodded."Mom , ou have drink half of that."Imogene smiled."Mommy said I can have a whole one."Imogene shook her."No, she can't."Ryleigh smiled."Not this late at least."She grabbed the juice and drank half.

"Here."She smiles."From like 8 to 6 she can have a full one but after the half one will do."She nodded."Ok, let's eat."I smiled as Alexender waddled over."Bubby."He smiled."Happy Birthday, Baby Boy and Girl."I kissed their cheek."Cone here Rosie."I kissed her's too.

Time Skip

"Night."I waved everyone off."Gerald."I called."Yeah."I handed him a letter."Ohh."He tossed the letter on the floor."How you take off those heels and get ready for this pillow fight."He laughed."Really."He nodded."Whatever."I laughed.

Time Skip

"Gerald."I whined from loss of contact."What."He stretched."Old ass."I laughed as he nodded."grandmommy and granddaddy."Primrose yelled as Alexender followed while babbling."he said his first word."Ryleigh smiled."Mommy."He smiled."Mommy Mommy Mommy."He laughed as ryleigh smiled."He won't say, daddy."She sighed."Dadadadadadada."He giggled."Welp bye guys."She sighed."Mommy."he sighed falling on his back smiling at me."Mommy."He pointed."Nope."I picked him up.

Ryleigh P.O.V

"I can't wait for lunch I sighed.

HUNTER:I miss you


HUNTER:So come home

HUNTER:Now pls




RYLEIGH:my lunch is in 2 hers see you then😘😍


RYLEIGH:auto correct in 20 mins my lunch is two hours Srry😘

HUNTER:oh ok😅

I placed my phone on my desk and watched the clock."Hey, Leigh."Ema smiled sitting on my desk as I pushed off.Ema-She fifty something and into my dad."Anyway."She smiled."Lunch?"I cleaned my desk placing all the files in a drawer."My husband and I are going to lunch."I stared back at the clock."Time To go."I stood up heading for the exit."Wait."She called."Listen my dad and mom are back together and he would want you, either way, he likes them thick."I smiled getting my car.

Time Skip

"Hunter."I called as he jumped off the couch."I missed you."He smiled as his friend greeted me as well."A little too much."I hugged him."I made sandwiches."He smiled."Hunter."I said as he removed the sandwiches from the table."Earn it."He placed them in the cabinet."Really."He nodded."I hate you."I pulled him close."I deserve to sandwiches after this."I kissed him

Time skip

"Bye babe."I kissed him."Have a good day."He closed the door."I never to do."I said as he called my phone."Hello."I answered getting the car."I miss you come back."He smiled."I am going to work."I smiled."You forget some paperwork."He sighed really."I turned off the car."Damn doors locked I sighed trying the others doors."Babe the door is locked."I said."Hello."I said as he started to breathe heavy."Hunter."I called."Hunter."I repeated as the car got smoky."Hunter, I can't breathe."I gasped."Hello, Ryleigh."He smiled as two guys carried hunter out our house."Who are-"It went black after that.


Unedited sike I edited it lol

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