Tag I'm It (Psh, Not A Chapter)

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Book Related A/N - Nope, Not a chapter. Will have one up later this week.


~I got tagged (for the first time) by RosieTheWriter_ (you're a sweetheart :P)

The I-don't-know-what-the-name-is tag: State ten facts about yourself, answer the ten questions provided by the person who tagged you, then create your own ten questions for the people you tag afterwards.

Ten facts about me:

1. I have four siblings, with me being the youngest by ten years (so I'm basically an only child).

2. I have medium length minusculey-wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and somewhat pale skin.

3. I've lived in the same town/city for 12 years.

4. My favourite colour is pink.

5. I have a terrible temper when I get frustrated and/or annoyed.

6. For a reason even I can't explain, I hate ALL seafood. Anything that comes from the sea.

7. Youtube is literally my life. As well as music and reading. And people, maybe.

8. In case you can't tell by how I spell certain words, I'm Canadian.

9. I absolutely LOVE history and chemistry.

10. One day I want to live in England, because everything happened there and it's so stinking cool.

My answers to the questions provided:

1. Your favourite fandoms?

Mianite (child. Please), as well as Once Upon A Time, The Maze Runner, and FNAF. If books fandoms count, then Warriors.

2. Have you read any really good books lately? (Online or IRL or both)

Admittedly I haven't read a physical book in a long time, so I can't remember the last one I read. As for online books, I've read a crap ton. My favourite three (to spare everyone) are 'Things Lost (a Waglington and Mianite fanfic)' by krhoades11 , the 'Mianite Shadow Prophecy' series by TheAbstractKat and xShadowCraftiex, as well as 'The Two Captains' by RosieTheWriter_ .

3. You can master one thing in the whole universe, what would it be? (Drawing, writing etc etc.)

Oh boy. There's so much I'm terrible at. I have to say drawing, because there's so much I'd like to do and draw for both random things or books, but I can't because I have the art skills of a grade 2 student.

4. What's your favourite fan fictions over here on wattpad?

That's like asking a parent to choose their favourite child. Besides the three mentioned above in question 2, I'll add another three: 'Defeating the Undefeatable' by DoubleLlynx, 'the kingdom of end' (which has tragically been unpublished and/or deleted) by _Authentic, and 'Blood Stained Woods' by InsaneWeasel .

5. If you had to choose to watch one youtuber for a whole month who would it be and why?

PressHeartToContinue. Even though she swears a bit too much for my liking, she has a wonder personality ,sense of humor, and importantly she does a lot of collabs. I LOVE when youtubers collab.

6. How many people have you killed? (I'd whole heartedly like if you answered this in terms of fictional characters......)

Thank you for the clarification! Unless I'm forgetting someone, I've only killed one charcater in one of my books. However, I plan to kill two more, which might only count as one because it's the same person just in different books. That's probably a spoiler for those who didn't know I was gonna do it but whatever.

7. If you could rename any food, what food would it be and what would you name it?

I'd rename 'brussel sprouts' to 'party greens' because even though I personally don't think they taste very good, it sounds a whole lot better than 'brussel sprouts'. That just sounds like a spikey thing burst from the ground and someone decided to eat it. Like most food ingredients.

8. Someone knocks at your door with a book in their hands saying that you're their favourite character and they don't want to let you die. Do you read it or let events pan out?

First and foremost: if they were the author and they didn't want me to die a) they should realize that what they write comes true and should stop murdering people and b) should just re-write it so that I DON'T die in the first place. To answer the questions properly: I'd read it, and if I decided that my death was for a good enough cause then I'd let events pan out. If I died for no reason, like heck I'm letting myself be killed.

9. Favourite food?

Again with the choose a favourite child! I choose strawberries. Yes they're simple, but you can do so much with them and they taste good with so much stuff, even on their own.

10. PC or console?

PC because my personal experience is that consoles cause too many problems and have a limited game selection anyways.

My ten questions: <~~~ Waaaaay too easy. I could write 50. I WANT to write 50, but I'll spare everyone.

1. What made you decide to write stories and post them on Wattpad?

2. Someone you consider your true love, who you've met and only seen online, lives across the world from you. A stranger comes up to you and says that he'll pay for you to fly to your lover, but for a price. What would you do?

3. If your online friends an followers wanted you to, would you do a face reveal?

4. What's your favourite thing about writing?

5. How do you feel about being tagged?

6. Unicorn or dragon?

7. If you could have anything for a pet, what would it be?

8. Mercy or genocide? (This could apply to the game if you know what it's referencing, or what you'd do if you were put in a situation where you had to decide someone's fate.)

9. What's your favourite fruit? (Asking the key questions here.)

10. If books were real universes/lives, which Wattpad book would you want to be in most?

I hereby sentence to doom (aka I tag:)

MidnightsFlame (yes, Grace, I went there) , krhoades11 , and NightCloud

~Achievement get: Get Tagged <3

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