Chapter 18

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        Phil and Pj rush up to Dan as he piles food onto his tray. "You're right. She's still pissed." "Sweet love, renew thy force of love!"PJ announces. "Hey, man! Don't say shit like that to me. People can hear you." Phil rolls his eyes. "Look. You embarrassed the girl. Sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even the score." Dan glares and walks away. Pj smacks Phil's arm. "Listen. Don't say shit like that to him. People can hear you."

*time skipppp*

      Dan hands a wad of cash to a pudgy kid and smiles. A pair of hands are scanning the controls for the school stadium's audio setup. One hand holds a cordless microphone, the other turns up the volume on a switch labeled "Field Mic Announce". Looking down on the field where the girls are practicing soccer, Dan stands atop the bleachers with the microphone in his hand and begins to sing *favorite love song* to Y/N. He completes the first verse, as everyone watches, then gives a signal to a pudgy kid he met in the hall earlier. The kid is the leader of the school marching band, which then chimes in and begins playing the music for the song. A smile begins to form on Y/N's face. Dan continues singing and dancing around on the bleachers until two cops arrive. They grab him as the soccer team applauds his performance. He breaks free and continues goofing about, spanks an officer's bum as he passes, then runs away. Y/N bites her lip and is obviously flattered.

        Dan and several other imbeciles sit quietly, in a detention room, mulling over their misfortune have being caught as trouble makers as Mr. Fischbach paces. He tries to sit on the edge of the desk, winces from the pain that's on his butt from the arrow that hit him earlier in the day, and someone in the classroom giggles. He snaps his head towards the kid. "You look pretty nervous." "Yes, sir." "You're sweating like a pig." "Yes, sir." "Your eyes are all...bloodshot." "Yes, sir." "You've got pot, don't you?" The kid sighs and hands him a bag of weed. "I'm confiscating this." He turns around and sees a bag of Cheetos on another kid's desk, which he also takes, revealing possible future plans for his night. "This too." Y/N suddenly enters the room and approaches Mr.Fischbach. Dan looks up and sees her giving her a questioning look. "Um, sir? I have some ideas on how we can improve the girl's soccer team." "Great! Let's talk about it to people who actually care later." He turns away and she uses the opportunity to motion to Dan. She nods towards the window whispering. "The window." He looks at her completely confused. "Window!" Mr. Fischbach turns back around and she laughs. "As you know, we have a really big game with Gregory High." Dan runs for the side of the room as she distracts the oblivious teacher. He begins to turn, but she grabs his arm to stop him. "You're bicep is huge! Oh my god. The other one's even bigger. You don't take steroids, do you? Because I've heard steroids can severely disintegrate your...package." The classroom murmers, including an elder who clearly doesn't belong to still be in high school. Y/N shakes her head. "That's not the point." "Let's hope not." He hears Dan make a creaking noise and tries to turn. She stops him. "The point is, they kick our butts every year. I was thinking. I devised a plan that will enable us to finally defeat them." "Which is?" Dan is sneaking toward the window behind him, next to a big sign that reads: "Those caught escaping will be punished.". "That thing you taught us." Mr. Fischbach crosses his arms. "What thing?" "Misdirection." "I taught you that?" ", or Sean....or Felix. Anyway, that's not important. The..." He tries to turn again and she grabs his chin to stop him. "Think about it! Um, they're looking left, and we're running right. Bang! We score. We win." Y/N starts to panic, as Dan still have to make it out the window. "Okay. But how do we get 'em to look left?" She looks around nervously. "Um, like this!" She lifts up her shirt having Mr. Fischbach's eyes widen out his head and everyone starts howling. Dan does a double take smirking and hurried climbed out the window. Y/N pulls her shirt down and runs out the class leaving Mr. Fischbach still in shocked. He walks to the desk and sits down covering his face. "I could have been an engineer." One of the kids slowly reaches over grabbing the bag of Cheetos.

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