Broken Glory

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~ Selena ~

            My head was throbbing. I couldn't see anything until I adjusted my eyes to the light in the room. I had fallen asleep over the computer keyboard and now the screen was making a beeping noise. I pushed myself up, studying the lines across the screen just as the door to the attic was opened. The footsteps grew as whoever entered the space made their way over towards me.

            "It has been two days miss Gomez, two." It was Sarah, spinning my chair towards her as I studied her eyes searching me.

            "Coding isn't something you just want to happen. It takes time."

            "The longer it takes you to give me the results I want, the smaller my patience becomes." Sarah began to walk around the room, her fingers trailing the cold steel and lights which reacted to the screen's actions.

            "I need some fresh air. Maybe I can clear my head on a walk or something." I was scared originally, but as her patience grew thin, so did my fear. I had to get out of this place. Wherever Demi was, she hadn't found me yet and my stomach couldn't stand for the scare tactics that were being used against me. I hadn't cracked into my own coding yet and so Sarah grew angry, but she kept her distance. Now, I could see she was getting desperate and so were her words.

            "Fresh air is for those who follow my instructions. You haven't fulfilled what I've asked of you."

            "I can log into the files, that's something."

            "That's not enough." As Sarah went on and on about what she wanted me to do, I sighed and studied the screen. I could actually log into what was left of B.O.N.E.S, and yet I was still confused on how anything was still remaining of the program. I began to clear the lines I've created during my sleep. When the woman behind me was done with her rant, she walked over, crouching down at my side before spinning my chair towards her once more.

            "I'm really doing my best."

            "Your best isn't working for me, Selena." the woman sighed, "I've gotten news that Demi is looking for you."

            "She is?" I acted surprised.

            "The thing is, I have eyes everywhere. If she gets too close, that'll be the end of you. Unless you do as I say, understood?" The woman rose as I followed her with my eyes. "I've given you ample time to fix that program. I want you to find a way to get my codes and I won't be waiting for much longer." The calmness that once filled me was burned out when Sarah placed her index finger under my chin. She brought her thumb up and cupped my chin before studying me. "It would be horrible if something was to happen to a face like that. But you see, I'm a woman of business. You must understand." Just before I could react to her actions she slowly began to dig her index nail into my chin. I tugged away just before she grabbed my face between both hands. "One hour is all you have left to enter B.O.N.E.S. Just one." She released me, her feet carrying her back to the stairs. "Tick tock."

            I sat still until she left from the room, running my hand across my chin. If this would of happened back in Eureka I'm sure I would have been 'extracted' so to speak. I faced the screen, my fingers quickly working across the keyboard. I distinguished the few lines which would grant me access and moments later I was in. But it didn't happen over night, I found a way into the program on the first night, but hesitated to log in. The codes vanished as I entered the data necessary. I sighed, watching the coding turn into images and words. It reminded me of the time Demi first discovered I could code.

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