The Calm Before The Storm

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Editing soon

~ Demi ~

     Nick awaited my reaction. A word. A movement. A response. Anything. Here he was not only telling me that he left Joshua alive, but that man could be the reason we're still being targeted. I felt this pull in my chest as he zipped the bag before him. I knew what he was saying about fighting himself over training, but at least I would never allow Joshua to walk among civilians.

     "You're angry." He finally spoke up. "It's my fault."

     "I can't be angry anymore." I shook my head, snatching the duffle away from him. "We have to go." I had no more fight in me when it came to going back and forth about arguing. Nick followed me up the steps where Rick was standing. The man was in his pajamas, holding up a glass of milk with a plate of cookies. He studied us, silently giving us a nod before we marched up the steps. Joe was asleep, surprisingly enough he stayed silent on most of the night and hadn't fought me about anything. I was upset with Nick at the moment, but that was another story. I pushed my way into Selena's room, gently placing the duffle bag onto the floor.

     "What did you take?" She groggily questioned.

     "Nothing important." I took notice of the time. It was two in the morning and I knew by daybreak, we'd have to find a way out of town. Before I even attempted to lay down, Rick was at the door. This time his plate of cookies was gone, although he clutched to his glass of milk with care.

     "You're leaving?" He questioned.

     "We are." I signaled to the brunette behind me as she shook her head and sat up.

     "Wait, we're doing what?" Selena was exhausted, her eyelids heavily cupping her eyes with each blink she gave.

     "I can have you guys transported to whatever facility or location you want to get to. But I'm begging you not to...."

     "I go. She goes." I didn't even give the man enough time to state otherwise. He glanced over the darkness in the room, his heart heavy I could tell.

     "I need to know where you're going."

     "Somewhere safe, I promise." I knew Rick wanted to fight me on this, but he didn't. He guzzled down what was left in his glass, clicking it against the dresser before leaving it.

     "Safe but not safe. Away but not away." He sighed. "She's my only daughter."

     "And she's my only family." I paced over towards the man as a tired Selena gazed on. "I will project her with my life. But I want to find a place where that isn't necessary. Where we all can just be free."

     "I know." Rick scratched his chin before leaving the room without a word. I thought about going after him, but Selena spoke for me not to. One moment the man was gone and the next, he walked into the room with an envelope pressed between his fingers. He smacked it into my hand, but not before eyeing me down. "I'm entrusting you with her safety."

     I nodded.

     "This is for all of you. But promise me one thing."

     "What is it?"

     "That you won't let her code anymore. If she does, I cannot protect her."

     "It's who she is. She's a coder. I've asked the same of her as well. But as I've learned tonight, we can't choose what we're drawn to. But I promise that I will do what I can in my power not to allow harm to come to her. My friends... they've vowed it as well." Rick nodded before releasing the envelope. "I wish there were more Agents like you when I had to do what I did."

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