Day and Night

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~ Demi ~

     There were lights everywhere.


     In just two hours the plain and simple two story home was lit up with not only blinding rays, but people as well. There were maybe twenty bodies shuffling around the space and I was already feeling a bit claustrophobic.

     "Hey, are you okay?" Selena placed her hand against mine as studied her, silently nodding before she released me. "You could always stay inside." I shook my head. Both Nick and Charlie were trying to blend in and mingle with the people out in the yard. They were trying to find a way for all of us to safely leave without the uncounted Agents in the brush studying everyone's every little move. I felt exposed although I knew my disguise would throw off anyone not trained by my Agency.

     "Remind me who are you again?" I heard someone question. I didn't move. I was standing in the doorway leading from the kitchen into the yard, watching as the once morning sky turned into a dimly lit evening. Selena faced the woman behind me before greeting her.

     "Jasmine, long time no see." The woman, whoever she was, knew Selena. They were chatting for a bit as I tried to focus on the distance between here and the homes not too far away. The cul-de-sac wasn't large, but it was still big enough to drive in a crowd. "And this is my friend..." Selena paused. I'm sure in any other situation she would have introduced me otherwise but she only focused on me. We hadn't come up with names to call one another, we disguised ourselves and forgot one of the most important features. I focused on the island counter, but nothing came to me. Selena opened her mouth to speak before I stopped her.

     "Massie." I nodded, blinking in assurance before Jasmine smiled. The dark girl draped her arm over me and smiled.

     "Any friend of Selena's is a friend of mine. Besides, finding a job that will accept a hair color as awesome as the one you're sporting, must be great." The woman gave me a gentle squeeze before moving away. "So." She clapped. "Shall we make S'mores?" Without either of us agreeing, Jasmine waltzed out into the yard.

     "She's very bubbly." Selena assured me.

     "S'mores?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow as the brunette studied me.

     "Did they not teach you anything where you came from?" She shook her head before smiling. I followed her out into the yard, where more people began asking her questions, hugging her and simply giving her praise for leaving the small area. I tried to stay alert although it was easy to fall into the music that now buzzed through the air. The few kids that were present were chasing one another across the yard. I found myself becoming entranced by how carefree they were. Their smiles.

     "Hey. You want to play?" A small boy, no older than eight stood at my side.

     "Um." I was a troublemaker as a kid, at least that's what everyone around me said. I didn't play by the rules. "What game?" I rose my eyebrow as Selena smirked.

     "Tag." The boy confidentially answered. I stayed silent as Selena answered for me. She said that I would join after everyone was ready. I was confused as she began to explain the rules of the game.

     "So, I have to hide?" I questioned.

     "Well, if you're playing hide and seek."

     "What's that?" I questioned as she basically cursed herself for bringing up another game. Finally, when everything was explained, the two of us joined the small group of kids before 'it' was chosen and the yard turned into a massive giggling and screaming event. More adults joined in and by the time evening came around, dinner was served. Just a few of us gathered by the fire, sitting on lawn chairs that circled the flames. Charlie sat next to me, staring over at Nick who was proclaiming his victory over the childhood game of 'tag.'

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