Misery Loves Company

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~ Demi ~

     Selena's parents silently stood in the kitchen glancing at me as the small device in her father's hand repeated the message. Suspected defective Agents were being killed, no questions asked. Her father sighed before stuffing the small item into his pocket before speaking.

     "We can't think about saving everyone." He calmly stated. "I'm trying to focus on the four Agents I have right now." It was as if he wanted to ease my mind.

     "Everything is a mess." Selena uttered as her mother went back to fixing the food she had before her. The counters were covered. As I gazed around the room, I noticed the silence among us. If anyone wanted to speak about the news on the scanner, they hadn't.

     "I wanted to inform you all that there are some precautions we need to take if we're trying to keep eyes from looking at us." Rick spoke up as I studied him confused. Maybe his little speech was normal for his family, but I couldn't stand the feeling of dread that washed over me. Innocent children were being killed because of me, and there was nothing I could do because I too, was in danger.

     "What my husband is trying to say, is that we're hosting a small get together on property tonight. Just to keep things a bit normal around here. Only our neighbors and their children are invited. It keeps eyes off of us when it comes to if we're stashing Agents or not."

     "What?" Selena faced her mother.

     "It's true that we'll be watched soon enough. But we can delay that process if someone reports we've thrown a party. A bonfire to be exact. Why would we do such a thing if we were hiding criminals?" Her father added.

     "Wait, what?" I shook my head. "If anyone sees us...."

     "They won't." Rick cut me off. "We just need to create the illusion that things here are just the same as it was before you arrived. But I need something from you..." He faced Selena. "We at least need you to make an appearance."

     "She's wanted as well." I stepped closer into the space as the brunette focused on her parents confused.

     "I know she's wanted, but it's safer to demonstrate that she's here alone than if she's with the four of you. I've contacted the Director of the FBI..."

     "You did what?" Selena questioned. Before she could speak of her outrage, I felt my own anger wanting to spew out but before such action could take place, I turned to leave the room, going to inform my friends that they were right, and we'd have to leave immediately. Rick called after me just as Selena began to scream at him. It was a mixture of me trying to stay calm and forcing down my own anger which stopped me at the base of the steps. Admitting to Joe that he was right about wanting to leave would eat at me for months to come if I made my way to him now. But that's when I heard Rick explaining himself to his livid daughter.

     "They were going to come here." These were the first words I attached onto. "But I stopped them by telling them that you were here." He must have been staring at Selena but I wouldn't have known. I was still at the base of the steps wanting to walk up and tell everyone it was time to go. But there was finally this part of me which held me back, wanting to know the outcome of the action which was taken. "They would have brought guns and more Agents here to capture all of you if I hadn't stepped in. By saying you were here alone, I stopped them from coming here guns blazing, possibly killing us all. This party is to make promise of that statement. So you have to trust me, and you must get your friends to trust me as well."

     "Dad..." Selena's voice cracked as if somehow what happened somehow broke her. "You think this is going to help? But it won't." Selena's voice shook. "I can't explain this, I can't, not when I don't even understand it myself." I knew the risk of being here, but I also knew the risk that was asked of Selena's family the moment we arrived. I could have turned around and lead my friends elsewhere and yet, we were still here, holding ourselves back by imaginary walls we were so accustomed to having. I angrily crossed my arms and forced my way back into the kitchen. Selena faced me, confused herself before I stepped up to Rick.

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