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~ Demi ~

     The moment Joe and I stepped out into the crisp morning air, I could feel a chill blanket me. I studied the area, my eyes shifting around from one place to the next as I tried to get to the bottom of this hesitant feeling. Joe ushered us forward as I trailed slightly behind, wondering what was bugging me so much about going out to find Nick. But I knew, if he hadn't made it out of the previous city, he was sure as dead anyway.

     "What's on your mind?" Joe paused, allowing me to catch up before we continued forward. The sky was still dark, a glimmer of daybreak was at hand as we made it across a few streets. My body ached, my eyes were heavy and yet, I carried on.


     "I asked if you were okay. What are you thinking about, what puzzles you?" He brought up once more.

     "I have a bad feeling." I spoke up, brushing my fingers through my soot covered hair. It was matting itself together considering it had rained not too long ago. As the wind whipped through the air, Joe studied the space around us.

     "There's no bad guys around."

    "I know."

     "Everyone is back in Orlando and...."

     "I just... I don't know where we go from here." I admitted, knowing that we didn't have much time before we'd have to leave once again.

     "Maybe you're worried about that girl of yours. You are trusting her with Charlie."

     "Yeah. I hardly know the woman." I find myself leaning against Joe for support before pushing myself away. "And yet, I somehow...have faith in her. Trust, I suppose."

     "Weird." Joe had stretched his arm out to stop me. My weak attempt at halting ended up with his arm against my waist. "You okay?"

     "Yeah. I just feel a bit out of it all of a sudden."

     "Like you've been drugged or something?"

     "No. There's no way. I haven't eaten or drunken anything in..... I'm dehydrated." I assured the man at my side just as we neared the highway once more. We made sure to stay in the brush that hadn't been mowed down, keeping our steps deliberate and short as to not move the grass as much.

     "How's your knuckles?" Joe had brought up.


     "You sure? You hit Joshua pretty hard in that motel room. Plus, your skin is bruised and red."

     "I'm fine." I take a quick breath, keeping my every step in mind.

     "Say we do get away from everything and everyone, what's our next move?" Joe halted, gazing into the distance as I took his side.

     "Our next step is to finally be free."

     "And what does that mean?" My friend asked, letting out a desperate sigh as I shrugged.

     "We can do whatever we want, whenever we want. No rules except our own."

     "I have little belief in such a system that works this way." Joe had paused when in the distance, tall brush began to sway. We both went on high alert, standing still as an angered voice broke through the air. I could see a tuff of brown hair as I finally made it towards the man. Joe stayed on my trail as we neared the passing shadow, just before all of us stopped. I was relieved to see the younger man of us all standing there, but he was there alone.

     "Nick." I mumbled, gazing around him as he scratched his head.

     "I can explain." He began as Joe attended to his brother. I was focusing on the fact that Joshua hadn't been at his side, my worried expression obviously catching onto both men quickly. "I had to ditch him a few miles back. The soldiers began advancing this way and he was sure to get me caught."

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