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~ Demi ~

     I had practically sold my soul no more than three hours ago. Joe, with his eyes transfixed on me couldn't understand my back and forth decisions within these past weeks. From demanding to leaving the agency, being free and now being sucked back into this life, I didn't want to explain anything. Nick decided to join in on our rescue mission, but made it clear to me that it was only because he wanted to make sure I'd be coming back to Florida. My fingers covered my face for most of the flight, there was no way I was going to explain this to Selena. How could I?

     "I think its best if we head to your house and fan out. Have someone take the road from every angle." At least Nick was helping. I gave a silent nod, finally sitting upright as we descended onto the runway. Joe hadn't said a word to me since we originally took off. I thanked him in my head for that. I had informed some old friends from the business to keep an eye out on the airport for me. It wasn't as if I was asking them to protect me. Upon arrival, they explained that no activity of kidnapping or otherwise had taken place, at least not on the tarmac. No one seemed to be forced onto a plane or jet and whisked away. I was relieved, sort of.

     "Grab your gun." Joe signaled towards the bag in which his younger brother carried.

     "I have a better idea." I assured him. There was no way I was going to play nice anymore. I was free to lead my own mission and so I was going to do just that. There was no where on the island in particular which peaked my interest. But I knew where to start. There were a few abandoned buildings just miles from the airport near the ocean's edge. I placed my hand out as Nick studied me. He quickly tossed the rifle my way. It was Joe's choice. Considering everything was so spaced out on the Island there wasn't really anyone to scare. We drove back to my place, the lights still on as the daylight mixed in.

     As each person took their post to search the area I began to fiddle with the vest I now wore. I stood in all black, different items stashed throughout the various pockets. I couldn't believe I was handling this situation very well. Every since I left the Island my mind had been on nothing else besides Selena. My stomach was churning, my mind racing and yet no one noticed. I hadn't been able to handle such feelings before, but I was coping as best as I could.

     "Broken branches." I heard one man call out as Joe made his way over towards him. I studied the surrounding area in front of my home, regretting not staying until daybreak to search it when I had the chance. My vest had been weighing me down, my hair pinned into a bun felt restricting. The more I moved around the place, the heavier everything seemed to become. My mind was racing as people began to call out the tracks they spotted.

     "What's wrong with you?" Nick had asked annoyed. He was somehow following me without my knowledge.

     "I'm fine." I snapped as he studied me.

     "Although I don't care, just pointing that out first. I'm sure we're going to find her." He had been carting his equipment on his back before he reached for the rifle in my arms.

"What are you doing?"

            "You're unstable, I can see it in your eyes."

     "I'm perfectly fine." I snap, just as he pulls the gun from my arms.

     "You're not good at anything anymore. But what would the old Demi do in a situation like this?" Nick had signaled towards the large group of agents scouting the area. I didn't enjoy groups of people, let alone anyone who wasn't Nick and his brother. I sighed, studying Joe as he faced me. There was indeed a trail and as everyone onsite searched my home, which I carelessly allowed, his brother and I stood at his side.

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