First Flight Home

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~ Selena ~

            There was silence among us. We all sat adjacent from one another on the flight back to my hometown. Joe was still gagging but nothing would come up. Nick coughed every so often but he too was more okay than any of us had expected. Charlie, with her hands full of in-flight peanuts began to look between the three people behind us. Demi had been awake for some time, her eyes blinking rapidly but she was okay. She was more than that, she seemed completely unmoved by the situation which fell upon us just hours ago.

            "What's happening?" Nick yelled ahead to his brother as I shook my head. My fingers had been gliding over the computer keys as I studied the figurations before me. Joe continued to shove his arm into the large door as our driver looked on in confusion. I didn't know what the flickering lights meant on the screen, but I knew I'd have to shut them off as soon as I could. Demi had been trapped inside of the safe house and a loud hissing noise echoed from the place.

            "Any day now." Charlie faced me as I finally began to input a few streams into the system just as the front door flung open. My stomach practically caved when I spotted Demi laying on the hardwood. Joe reached in to grab her but not before coughing and heaving up a ton of liquid.

            "Gas?" Nick questioned, quickly covering his face before helping his brother. I rushed towards the steps before Charlie wrapped her arms around my waist, not allowing me to go any further. I couldn't protest. Nick began to hurl as well, the ground becoming littered in a mess of random juices.

            "Okay, that's nasty." Charlie shook her head as I began to panic. I couldn't tell if Demi had been in such a state as the boys, but I knew she seemed to be passed out.

            At this very moment, Demi faced me, our silence eerily reminding her of older days I was sure of it. Charlie finally took it upon herself to stand up in the aisle, leaning against my seat as she focused on the brunette. Demi seemed confused but she held herself together as Nick and Joe both tried stuffing down some crackers and water.

            "You feel completely fine, right?" Charlie began nibbling on more peanuts as Demi nodded. "Do you even remember what happened back there?"

            "I ran into the house to change, and then I heard some hissing. The next thing I knew, I woke up here. With all of you staring at me." Demi sighed, leaning against her seat before gazing out of the window. "What happened?"

            "So you don't remember everything?" Charlie tilted her head, giving me one good look before continuing. "You inhaled a ton of chloroform and other gases and yet you're completely fine, while 'idiot one' and 'idiot two' have been barfing up chunks for the last few miles."

            "Wait, what?" Demi refaced all of us as Joe nodded in agreement to what the standing woman had just said. I was still a bit upset that she was going to choose to go after Joshua instead of staying with us. If that's what she was really going to do. I felt relieved yet angry at the entire situation.

            "If you die tonight." Charlie waved one of her unopened packages of peanuts towards Demi. "It's because of the gas."

            "I think..." Joe slid up in his seat, facing the woman across from him. "I think if you wanted to know more about the system that Joshua has created, look no further in why he was trying to keep you docile and in his grip. There's a reason you weren't hurling like the two of us." Joe reached between the seats to grip Nick's shoulder. "Joshua said you were a weapon, for what purpose none of us can tell. But what I can say is there's a reason you're still kicking, yet Nick and I feel as if a truck ran into us a few times over."

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