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~ Demi ~

Selena hadn't said a word to me. As the sun slowly rose in the sky, she leaned against Nick for support as we finally approached a road. It had to be sometime around five in the morning and we hadn't stopped to break since the conversation last night. I somehow felt a bit relieved to not carry the burden of wanting to abandon the woman someplace safe. But she had been in tears for most of the evening nonetheless. It wasn't because I had kept this information away from her. She distanced herself from me because I admitted that death might occur.

The orange glowing sun lead us down the path of the street, our hair and faces covered in the ashes of the burning fire. We still weren't too sure if our old Agency were the culprits, but we took no chances. Joe wanted to find a phone in order to contact other members of Beverly, hopefully hearing that his friend Tyler was in contact and was okay. I had never experienced a deafening silence between a group of people since my days back in my old room.

"You need to sleep." I heard Nick whispering to Selena as she ignored him. She laid against his shoulder as he cringed from the contact. He was still a bit taken aback by how in a short amount of time, he seemed to have fell in love with the brunette. It was a mutual thing, because I knew Selena enjoyed his company as well.

"We should be nearing a city soon." I called up to the two, but was only met with more silence.

"How are you holding up?" Joe finally made it towards my side, his shoulder tapping against my arm.

"I'm okay."

"Even though she's not talking to you?" He had somehow found joy in such an action. I took a deep breath, spotting the first sign of life other than ourselves on the road. There were a few houses coming into view, followed by a ramp leading off the deserted road. It took us no time to find a small breakfast shop, sitting down in the booths as Joe asked to use the phone. Selena and Nick sat across from me, she finally closed her eyes although her tear stained face still haunted me.

"We can't wait any longer." I spoke up as Nick shifted.

"I agree."

"If we don't confront Joshua now, we might not ever get the chance." I tried to keep my voice low, but Selena shut her eyes tighter after hearing me speak.

"My brother should get some news on what we're going to do next."

"I want to do this alone." My words didn't sit well with the brunette just off to the side. She finally opened her exhausted, pained red eyes and focused on me. "Sel..."

"How could you do this to me? How could you allow me to fall for you, to follow you all this time, and all you want to do is leave me behind?" Her cracked voice dragged my heart. If there was something I could of said to ease her pain I would, but she would fight me tooth and nail on whatever excuse I made.

"Good news." Joe slid into the booth. "Beverly will be sending Agents to pick us up in ten minutes or so. Be on the lookout." We were all back to sitting in silence, although whimpers escaped the woman across from me. All I wanted to do was embrace her and soothe her, but she wouldn't allow it. She dug her nails into Nick's arm as she hugged onto him. My heart was cracking, the sound was tearing me apart. But as told, Agents pulled up in no time as we all piled into the vehicle. We would be heading down to their main headquarters hours away in Los Angeles. Tyler and his team hadn't been in contact since yesterday evening and I myself worried that they would be more casualties added onto the list of people killed because of me. Joe sat by my side as I studied the back of Selena's head. She and Nick took the seats in front of us.

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