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"Calum!" Luke called, chasing after the brunette as he speedily attempted to walk away.  School had just ended and Calum seemed as though he was sprinting away from him with the pace he was walking.

Eventually, he caught up and grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?"

"What do you mean?" Calum played dumb.

Luke didn't seem amused, "We usually walk the other way?"

"Right, well, I've got to go and meet my auntie. She's taking me out later so she said she'd pick me up from school," he lied, watching Luke's face contort into an expression which screamed that he didn't believe him.

Luke sighed. He couldn't be bothered with this. "Fine. I'm not going to question you on this because I'm tired and have an English essay due for tomorrow. Have fun with your 'auntie'."

Before Calum could apologise, Luke was walking off and plugging his earphones in. Calum frowned. Suddenly, there was a pair of arms around his waist from behind and a head resting on his shoulder.

"What's that face for, handsome?" It was Ashton. Calum pulled away from him in shock. How could someone be so forward?

 When they were face to face, he shook his head. "No reason," he lied.

Ashton shrugged. "Whatever. Let's go to mine, then?"

Calum nodded, then began to follow after Ashton, who walked happily in front of him.


"Do you invite all of the boys over to your house?" Calum asked as Ashton stopped at his door and rooted around in his bag for his keys.

"Not all the boys. Just the hot ones," he answered, unlocking the door.

"Where's your family?" Calum asked conversationally, noting the eerily quiet atmosphere of the house.

"Parents are at work. I'm an only child," he said, leading him upstairs.

Pausing outside of Ashton's bedroom, he asked, mostly to himself, "So this is then? I came over to a guy - who I don't even know - just because it was implied that there would be sex?"

"That's what's happening, yeah," Ashton answered him. Calum thought he was closer than he remembered. "Unless you don't want to fuck me, Calum Hood?"

Calum's mouth dropped open. Ashton giggled and kissed his neck softly, causing Calum's last thread of control to snap. He pushed the shorter boy onto the bed, ripping his t-shirt off before kneeling between Ashton's legs.

Ashton seemed to like this position, and leaned up to link their mouths together. Their tongues moved together hotly and Calum put everything into this kiss that he didn't want to say, which was, essentially, 'please let me fuck you'.

"Calum," Ashton breathed once their mouths detached. Calum looked at him questioningly. "Top drawer of my dresser. Lube and condoms."

"Right," Calum said, remembering why he was here, in a stranger's house. So he can fuck the new boy, and then what? Leave?

He grabbed the two items while Ashton pulled off his shirt and kicked off his jeans, helpfully unbuttoning Calum's jeans as well.

He wasted no time in coating his fingers with lube and inserting one into Ashton's hole. The shorter boy moaned at the familiar feeling.

"Just add another," he commanded.

Calum did as he was told, beginning to scissor his fingers inside him. Ashton pushed back on Calum's fingers enthusiastically.

"Fuck," Calum said, watching Ashton. He'd never been with anyone who put on such a performance.

Ashton leaned down to play with Calum's cock which was halfway to rock solid. Calum moaned at the contact; it had been so long since he had been with anyone, let alone anyone this phenomenal. Calum was really glad he trusted his instincts and took the offer.

"You're so hard," Ashton remarked dirtily, licking the side of Calum's neck and breathing heavily on purpose. "Come on, fuck me." 

Calum nodded, pulling his fingers out as Ashton rolled the condom onto his hard cock.

Ashton hitched his legs over Calum's shoulders and slowly, Calum pushed into Ashton's tight heat with a groan. "Shit," he murmured. Ashton seemed to agree because he let out a high pitched whine when Calum was fully inside.

"C-Can I move?" Calum asked, looking down at the blissful expression on Ashton's face.

"You should, yeah," Ashton told him.

Calum began thrusting at a slow pace, only speeding up when Ashton said, "Faster."

Calum complied happily, the loud moans Ashton let out giving him motivation. With each thrust Calum felt more and more confident, gaining speed in time with Ashton's rhythmic moans. 

Suddenly, Ashton pushed Calum away and flipped them over, so that he was on top. Ashton was in full control of the situation, grinding back and forth on Calum's ridiculously hard dick. Calum's hands were on his hips, beginning to guide him up and down.

"Fuck, Cal, I'm gonna cum," Ashton said. Calum wholeheartedly agreed. He grabbed Ashton's hips tightly while he was in the air, and began to thrust erratically. It was sloppy and dirty and noisy, but it felt so good. 

Ashton began to play with himself, pumping his own dick frantically in a chase to get off.

Suddenly, Ashton came all over his chest, his hole tightening and sending Calum over the edge with him, spilling into the condom.

"Fuck." Calum said, pulling out. His whole body was limp and covered in sweat, but this was the best he had felt in a long time.

"I'll second that," Ashton agreed.


this has been updated as i am now more informed about sex !!


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