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First thing the next day in registration, Calum probably would've noticed that Ashton was late if Luke wasn't running his mouth at him like a concerned mother.

"Seriously Calum, what was that about yesterday? You blatantly lied to me," Luke questioned. Calum reckoned his hands would've been on his hips of he wasn't sitting down.

"It was nothing Luke, I just wanted to go out with my auntie. Stop pestering me about it," he dismissed, watching as Ashton walked through the door and apologised to the teacher.

"No, I won't stop pestering you about it! I was worried!" He continued, face changing to an outraged look when Calum's attention changed to Ashton who had taken his seat behind them.

"Morning Ash," Calum grinned.

"Likewise, handsome," Ashton replied. He looked at Luke, who did not seem amused by the display. "What?"

"He's just grumpy because he didn't get to hang out with me yesterday, isn't that right?" Calum said, slinging an arm around the blond's neck. "Or are you just grumpy because you're you?"

Luke shrugged him off immediately. "I'm pissed off because you ignored what I told you." He said, grabbing his bag and standing up.

"Wh- Luke?! You can't just leave the class!" Calum exclaimed, watching the boy walk straight out the classroom, ignoring the teacher. Calum also ignored her when she told him to quiet down.

"What did he tell you?" Ashton inquired, leaning further over his desk now that Luke was gone.

Calum shrugged. "Just to stay away from you. Something about being dangerous."

Ashton giggled at this, apparently finding it hilarious. "He could be right, you know. What if I'm a convicted felon?"

"Then you wouldn't be in high school," Calum answered with a smirk. "I can't hang tonight, I'll have to make sure Luke isn't too pissed off with me."

Ashton shrugged, uncaring. "That's fine. We don't have to fuck every day, y'know? My only demands are that if we fuck on a Friday then we get pizza."

Calum immediately shushed him. "Say it louder, Ashton, Jesus."

When the bell rang, Ashton stood, "I have to run. Later," he announced, and then he was off before Calum could say goodbye.


After school was over, Calum caught up with Luke on his way home, running after him frantically. He was alone, just like Calum expected. All of their friends walk the other way.

"What the hell, Luke? We always walk together." He questioned, placing a hand on Luke's shoulder to stop him from walking away.

"Yeah, we did. Until you ditched me yesterday to go and hang out with Ashton after I specifically asked you not to." He answered bitterly.

Calum didn't deny that he'd been with Ashton because Luke clearly knew. "How did you know that?"

"Michael saw you guys walking together and messaged me."

"Well, I can have other friends. I don't see your problem," he said honestly.

Luke scoffed, pulling out of his grip and speed walking away from him. Calum was more confused about Luke than he'd ever been before.


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