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Okay, so, by this point in the night Calum is equally as drunk as Ashton was when he arrived, and ready to lay down exactly what he thinks of the shorter boy. If he could find him.

"Calum? Are you alright? Where's Luke?"

Calum knows that voice. It's Michael, one of Luke's friends. They've only talked a few times but he seems nice enough.

"Um, yeah?" Calum babbles, "Do you know where Ashton is? I have important things go tell him."

"I saw him in the garden with his - boyfriend? - a minute ago." Michael answers helpfully.

"That's great, thanks Mike," Calum says, and then he's off to the garden. "Boyfriend" or no boyfriend, Ashton deserves to know how he feels, right?

It's quite cold in the garden now that the sun is gone, but the party is still in full swing and everyone outside has hoodies on. He spots Ashton next to the guy from outside their class the other day.

They're whispering to each other, and then making their way to the door, hand in hand, where Calum is standing.

Ashton smiles when he sees him. "Hiya, Cal."

Calum grabs his other wrist, "I need to talk to you. It's important."


The guy behind Ashton, still firmly holding his hand looks offended. "We're busy."

Calum looks at him with his eyebrows raised. "Maybe you're busy, but Ashton is a separate person with his own schedule. Ash?"

Ashton seems to sense the urgency and turns to look at the guy behind him. "Sorry, Zayn. Maybe the next party if you get me drunk enough."

The guy - Zayn - looks exasperated. "Fine. Whatever." And then he walks off.

Ashton turns to look at Calum. "You're drunk."

"Yeah," Calum agrees. "Probably gonna regret this tomorrow, but I need to talk to you."

"Okay." Ashton nods, removing his wrist from Calum's grip. "Follow me."

Calum does. Ashton leads them past the life of the party - AKA Luke, who's eagerly talking to people and getting everyone hyped. Calum figures he should probably stop the blond from making a fool of himself, but Calum isn't done being passive aggressive towards him.

Ashton leads them to an empty room, with two sofas, a table and a TV. "Second living room," he explains with a snort, "rich people."

Ashton sits on the sofa to the left, and Calum sits next to him, far too close for someone he's supposed to be angry with.

"So, talk." Ashton commands, moving over slightly to leave more space between them.

"I'm still pissed off at you," Calum begins. Ashton shrugs, and that only pisses Calum off more. "But I don't think our arrangement should come to an end. I like hanging out with you, and I like fucking you. Why can't we do both?"

"Because you want it to be exclusive," Ashton reasons.

"And why can't it be?"

"Because I have other arrangements for my own benefit." Ashton explains. "I get what you mean - you want to be friends with benefits, right? Which means no strings attached."

"Okay," Calum says, taking a deep breath to prepare himself for the next words out his mouth, "So let me take you on a date."


Calum looks at him with a frown, and throws all of his weight onto the back of the sofa in annoyance. "Why not?"

"You're drunk, Calum. I'm giving you the chance to quit while you're ahead."

"I am," Calum agrees, "But my feelings are real, Ash. Let me take you on a date."

"No," Ashton repeats.

Calum groans, leaning his head on Ashton's shoulder with a sigh that tickles Ashton's neck.

Slowly, he turns and places a light kiss on the brunette's neck. And then another. And another.

Ashton shivers, wanting to bad to relax into it, but... "Calum, stop."


"Because I'm asking nicely," Ashton reasons.

"Don't you want me to fuck you, though, Ashton?" Calum wonders, his kisses getting more purposeful.

Ashton makes a noise that's a mixture between annoyance and delight, and pushes Calum away from him.

They stare into each other's eyes for all of two seconds before their mouths meet in a fierce kiss.


thank you for reading ! i love you !!


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