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Ashton started coming to classes again, and he began to speak to Calum whenever they were together, even sitting with him, Luke and Michael at lunch. Apparently him and Michael were friends before he moved.

Luke had also warmed up to Ashton, at least a little bit. He had admitted (in confidence) to Calum that he found Ashton funny. Calum definitely agreed.

It was weird getting used to just hanging out with Ashton, but he found that he enjoyed it almost as much as fucking him. He just liked being with him. 

The four of them were sitting in a McDonald's at 5:30am, after a long party. They were all a bit hungover, but it was nothing that a McDonald's breakfast couldn't cure. Ashton and Calum were sitting across from Michael and Luke, who were debating whether creme eggs were a seasonal thing or not.

"You don't ever seen them at this time of year!" Michael argued, "When was the last time you got a creme egg for Halloween?"

"Probably around the same time I got too old for trick or treating!"

Calum rolled his eyes. He looked to his left at Ashton, who was looking at him with a strange look. He looked weirdly happy.

"Are you okay?"

Ashton seemed to snap out of it, and he looked away immediately. "Yeah."

Suddenly, Ashton let out a big yawn, and his head came to rest on Calum's shoulder. Calum couldn't control how fast his heart sped up.

Luke looked over, mid-argument and cooed, "Aww, you two are so cute!"

Ashton didn't seem to care, and didn't respond. Calum laughed. "Shut up."


In registration on Monday, Ashton came into the classroom beaming. Calum smiled when he saw how happy he was. Luke looked between them and grinned as well, in  a more knowing manner. 

"Good morning! Such a miserable day today, isn't it?" Ashton greeted, taking his usual seat behind them. 

"Not with a smile that bright," Calum returned, turning fully in his seat to watch Ashton's face light up. They shared a look.

Luke snorted. "Or teeth that clean. I think I'm blind."

"Well it's not my fault I value dental hygiene, Mr Hemmings," Ashton shot back. "And Mr Hood, how was your night?"

Calum shrugged. "Boring. I did clean my closet though."

"Really?" Ashton inquired. "Perhaps you would like to show me said closet and the rumoured cleanliness that it has recently acquired."

Calum laughed at the ridiculous manner Ashton was speaking in, and nodded, "Sure, just don't mess it up or it won't be clean for another eight years."

Luke confirmed, "Oh yeah, we used to be able to play hide and seek in the closet alone, because it was so messy. Can't believe old Cubby is clean. I'll have to see it for myself."

"Mhm, I'll send you pictures," Calum laughed. 

"No tour for me then? Pity."

"Nope, that's just for VIPs." Calum confirmed, turning back to Ashton with a smirk, "You'll have to provide ID before I can let you view it."

Ashton laughed. "Sure thing, Mr Curator."


WOW this story is actually getting written

- charlie !

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