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At this point, Calum felt a circle beginning to form within his relationship with Ashton, and he wanted to know how to get out of it. They just kept going around. Calum likes Ashton, one of them does something stupid, they both hurt for a while and then make up - hopefully.

Calum wasn't sure about this one.

He didn't want to fall out with Ashton again, for good. He needed to see him. He knew Ashton's date had just ended; he needed to see him and tell him how he felt. If Ashton didn't share his feelings this time, well, this was it. He had to. It was driving him crazy.

He couldn't do "friends" much longer.


Ashton's date had been pleasant. He didn't date often so it was nice to be taken out and spoiled rotten by a guy he hardly knew. In the back of his mind he knew that it would have been more fun with Calum, but he had to dismiss that thought.

He doesn't like you anymore, he reminded himself.

Ashton knew he didn't, otherwise he would have responded to his flirting more eagerly. He would have asked him out by now. Calum didn't like him.

He sat on his bed with a glum expression, looking over at the t shirt he had accidentally stolen from Calum when they had fought. He would need to give it back at some point, and pick up his own t shirt from Calum.

He walked over and picked it up to smell it. It still smelled like Calum, even though it had been washed. Ashton missed him.

Then, Ashton heard the doorbell. He wondered who that could be, since it was still pretty rainy outside and no one was really expected to visit. He jumped down the stairs to answer it. 

He really wasn't expecting Calum to be there, or to push his way into his house.

"What are you dong here?" Ashton asked, looking him up and down. He was a bit damp from the rain, and Ashton was sure he saw him shiver.

"I do like you," Calum admitted, "I like you so much, Ashton, I never stopped liking you. I can't be just your friend anymore."

"Oh." Ashton felt his heart pound fiercely. 

"Please Ashton, no one else will ever like you as much as I do," he continued, "I've known you for four months, and I want it to continue. I know you like me too."

Ashton said nothing. 

"I don't know why you would date someone else when I asked first. It isn't fair."

Ashton sighed, and looked down. "I was waiting for you to ask me again, you asshole."

"I know," Calum nodded, placing a firm hand on Ashton's shoulder. "I know, I'm sorry."

Ashton leaned into him, placing his head on his chest. Calum's arms came around his waist and held him close. Ashton felt so safe in Calum's arms. He couldn't believe how good it felt.

Calum pushed him away slowly, keeping his hands on Ashton's shoulders so that they could be face to face. His head dipped so that their lips could meet delicately. It was soft and loving, and different to anything Ashton had ever experienced.

The kiss grew fierce and passionate, as Ashton's tongue met Calum's. It was sensational, and Calum couldn't believe it was real. He wanted Ashton so badly.


ha ha cliffhanger

next chapter is the last!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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