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"So," Calum said after they were dressed, simply to quell the tinge of awkwardness that he was feeling.


"Was this a one-time thing?" He asks. He's not sure if he wants it to be. Ashton is nice and funny and can hold a decent conversation. And they have amazing sex, apparently.

Ashton shrugs. "Did you want it to be?"

Now it's Calum's turn to shrug.

Ashton looks up at him from where he's lying down and sighs. "Fuck buddies?" He proposes.

Calum thinks about it for about 3 seconds before saying, "Yeah, that'd be good. Are there rules to this- or? I've never done this before."

Ashton giggles, sitting up so that they're face to face. "Not really. Just don't fall in love with me like everyone else," he teases, booping Calum's nose. Calum smiles at how adorable he is.

"I won't," Calum insists, then asks, "Is this why you had to move? Fucked too many guys?"

Ashton giggles again, shrugging. "Something like that, yeah."

"Why won't you just tell me?" Calum huffed, pretending to be upset, causing Ashton to smile at him.

"Because it's embarrassing!" He whined, hiding his head in his hands. "You'll find out soon enough, can't you just let it go?"

Calum laughed, putting an arm around Ashton's shoulders, "I suppose I can. For now. Anyway, I have homework for tomorrow so I should probably go."

Ashton nodded, revelling in the feeling of Calum's strong arm weighing him down. "Wow, sensible," he laughs. "But you're right, I have an English essay due."

Ashton reaches over to his bedside table and grabs a pen. "Give me your hand, then."

Calum held his hand out for him. He didn't think it was important to mention that the feeling of Ashton's hand holding his own made him want to smile.

Ashton quickly scribbled some numbers on his hand and then released him. "Text me. I'll be your booty call," he teased, smirking wickedly.

Calum laughed, "Sure. See you Ash," he said, "I can see myself out, you stay here and worry about changing your bedsheets."

They exchanged knowing grins before Calum left, wondering how the hell that just happened. He was a regular guy. He didn't hook up with random new students the day they started. He had serious boyfriends and only had sex with them after a few months of dating.

Ashton had thrown his entire world upside down in one afternoon.

Maybe Luke was right, Calum thought, maybe he is trouble. What if he moved because he was thrown out of school for doing something horrible?

But then Calum thought of how short and sweet and kind and funny and adorable Ashton was.

And if he was truly so bad, then why did he feel so good?


thanks for reading !!


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