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Ashton walked home with Calum and Luke that day. It was a rainy day but they didn't live too far. Eventually, Luke stopped at his house and waved them goodbye, before Ashton and Calum ran down the street to get inside from the heavy rain.

When they were inside, Calum shut the door and promptly offered Ashton a towel. Ashton nodded from under his dripping hair and wet hoodie.

Calum laughed and lead them upstairs. Calum grabbed them both some towels and they dried off as best as they could.

"Do you want to change into something of mine?" Calum offered, pulling on a dry t shirt and shaking another one in front of Ashton's face.

The boy giggled, "Please, thanks."

Calum moved both of their wet hoodies onto the boiling hot heater in his bedroom so they would dry.

"So this is the fabled cupboard?" Ashton teased, peering inside the small walk in closet.

Ashton had only been in Calum's house a few times because his family were usually home, which wasn't very helpful when they were trying to fuck. Ashton liked Calum's house though, he found it homely and it always smelled like vanilla candles which his mum always had lit.

"That's the one," Calum laughed, lying back on his bed. Ashton took a seat next to him.

There was a comfortable silence between them, and Calum probably could have fallen asleep right there.

"So," Ashton began, "I have a date next week."

Calum shot up into a sitting position. "What?" He asked seriously.

A date? Ashton doesn't date. If he wouldn't date him then why would he date a total stranger?

"He seemed nice," Ashton explained weakly.

"I thought you didn't date," Calum retorted with a tinge of anger. "Stop playing these games Ashton! I can't do this anymore!"

"It's been weeks, Calum," Ashton mumbled, "We've been friends for months. I thought you would be okay with it. You don't even like me anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Calum questioned.

"I need to go," Ashton says urgently, pulling on his hoodie, "I'm sorry Calum. I have to move on." Ashton quickly made his way down the stairs, Calum didn't bother to follow but he watched him descend.

"You have to move on?" Calum shouted after him. Ashton had slammed the door shut. "You have to move on? What about me?"


drama lol, just U wait

ft oh wonder cus i love them

-charlie !

casual sex • cashtonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon