29th of January 2020

24 0 0

*Flashback to when Diana was 15, this piece was written for a project*

As I sat in his house thinking what we had just done, I sat thinking how wonderful the time had been, how sweet his kisses against my skin had felt, how his sweet words were that could have made me do anything, how cute he had whispered "Diana" in my ear or how his eyes made me feel like I was the prettiest girl in the world.

After the wonderful thoughts left my head I began to tremble worried about everything, could I be possibly pregnant. How stupid was I having sex with a 24 year old when I was just 15. I didn't even think. I had a couple of drinks and started to hook up with him, one thing leading to another. I had done this with him so many times before and had forgot to tell him that I hadn't taken my birth control pill this morning. I'm only 15 I thought, yeah he could look after a child but I was way to young, and imagine how much trouble he could get into with the law for being so much older than me. I got up and internally slapped myself across the face. What had I done!

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