10th of February 2020

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Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me!

The same part of the song rang through my head as I nervously waited to meet the dominant that I'd applied to be his sub for. I sat looking at the blue door with the words Mr Yates etched in, his receptionist looking up now and then to see if he had called me in. As I looked up again I saw him opening his office door, he walked out and called my name as he motioned for me to enter his office. "I trust you have read, sighted and signed my contract terms" he said as I took a seat. I nervously agreed. "Do you have any questions or comments on said contract", "no" I said. "Well its settled then you'll shall be picked up on Friday afternoon at 4:15pm and brought to my submissive dungeon, where you will stay for your first weekend, as an experienced submissive I would expect appropriate attire with lingerie underneath, to be removed when you are directed to my chambers and for you to be in the submissive position with your hair in a ponytail by the time I arrive, approximately 10 minutes after you have been directed to your room." As our conversation came to an end I left wondering what would be in store for me the following weekend, chains and whips I hoped.  

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