14th of February 2020

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After a long day at work I was finally home, I went to my bedroom to get changed out of my work clothes to find a bed full of rose petals, a box of chocolates shaped like a heart and two watermelon scented candles burning. I had almost forgot it was Valentines Day and my husband and I are having a romantic night in. After I got changed I walked into the kitchen to an array of menus laid out. "Choose what you feel like babe" he said "I don't think either of us need to cook tonight". When our dinner arrived we laid it out in front of us on the candle lit table and started having a nice conversation about our day at work. After dinner we sat on the lounge and watched a couple of movies, Valentines Day, Never Been Kissed and Endless love. After our movie night we retired to bed with a kiss on my cheek he said that he loved me as I said the same back. 

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