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All Mine
09 | Mistake

I woke up with a pounding headache feeling as if my head was about to explode, I groaned not remembering anything that happened last night. I turned my head feeling something move beside me, my eyes widened at the sight before my eyes. Antoine was laying there peacefully sleeping, holy crap. I'm screwed was my first thought, I did not sleep with him last night did I?

I was confused, where was I? I don't even remember coming to a room with him last night.
I took the covers off my body only to reveal I was naked, I most definitely slept with him last night. I mentally groaned at the thought, why would I do such a thing? The cold breeze came in contact with my body leaving goosebumps everywhere, I stood up carefully trying not to awaken Antoine and grabbed my clothing putting it on as fast as I could. I couldn't face him, not yet. I felt horrible for leaving him here but I couldn't face him. I left the room as quickly as possible and started to make my way back to campus.

I slept with him last night, I was drunk and all I remember was doing shots with him and everything after that is a blur. How did I sleep with him after everything we've been through? Why would I do that to myself? I fixed my hair as I walked down the streets trying to make it half decent but I failed miserably. Luckily the hotel was only a short walk from the dorms and it was still really early so no one was walking about to see me do my walk of shame.

I finally arrived back at the dorms and made my way back to my room, all I wanted to do was sleep in my own bed and forget all about Antoine. Everything kept replaying in my mind from the moment I woke up, I was still trying to piece together how I even ended up managing to sleep with him but it was useless.

"Where have you been?" Sofia said standing up to greet me as I entered our dorm, I had completely forgot I ditched her last night.

"I spent the night—" I paused to think about what I was going to tell— I couldn't just say 'oh yeh I slept with Antoine' "Uh somewhere."

"You slept with someone." She says with a huge smile on her face, I didn't exactly hide it well did I now.

"It was a one night stand, no big deal." I spoke sitting down on my bed removing my shoes, all I was thinking about was sleep at this point.

"What was his name?" What is this? Interrogating Amelia?

"I don't know— I want to sleep go away." I spoke going under my covers hoping she would stop annoying me.

"Alright alright." I heard the dorm room close with signalled she had left, I could finally try and get some sleep.

I removed the covers and let out a sigh. Antoine was on my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about him, it started to get on my nerves to the point I couldn't even sleep anymore. I groaned running my hand through my hair, it was all tangled up and messy. I got up preparing myself for a hot shower to rub off any trace of Antoine that's left.


I woke up in the hotel room all alone, she left me here without even telling me. Amelia left and didn't even consider me, the memories was last night were so vivid in my mind they kept replaying and replaying.

With my hand I traced the bed sheets up and down remembering having held her in my arms as she slept, she didn't even know I had done that. I don't usually sleep during the sheet as I can never find myself wanting to simply close my eyes and fall asleep, I've had this since a young age and I've only learnt to get used to it, but last night happened happened to be the only night out of many restless ones I managed to get a decent sleep.

I grabbed my things and got dressed as fast as I could leaving the hotel and heading up for campus. I was determined to find Amelia and talk to her but something tells me it's the best idea. She could be mad at me—although I don't know why she would be when I clearly remember her saying she wanted to continue. I reached her dorm and knocked on her door waiting until she would open it, I kept knocking until she finally opened the door looking as if she had been sleeping.

"What— Oh Antoine." She looked as if seeing me was the worst thing in the world, what an amazing feeling.

"Amelia—" I spoke but was cut off with her interrupting me, "I can't talk right now." Just like that the door was slammed right in my face, she's clearly not in the mood.

She didn't want to talk about last night, that's understandable in some sort of way. I'm probably the last person she would ever want to sleep with, after all she does hate me. What was I expecting? A miracle? Certainly not.

I was finally night time and everyone was going to some other party, I figured Amelia wasn't going as she usually doesn't like parties. I made my way to her dorm room once again in hopes that we'd be able to have an adult conversation. I noticed how her window was wide open and I had a feeling she was going to slam the door in my face again. I managed to climb through her window and made my way into her bedroom.

I looked around the room seeing she wasn't here, her clothes were scattered around the floor and her bed was messy. I heard a door open and she came into the room with a towel wrapped around her body and she had another she was drying her hair with.

"You've got to be kidding me!" She shouted, she ran up to me attempting to hit me with the towel but I dodged each time.

"I need to talk to you." I said continuing to dodge her every attempt.

"You idiot! I could've been naked!" She shouted giving up hitting me, she pressed her back against the wall tired from the work she'd put in trying to hit me.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." Damn it Antoine, I had to let my dirty side out and she was definitely going to kill me.

"Leave now before I kill you." She said emphasising the word kill, I wasn't going to leave without talking to her.

"You can't keep avoiding what happened."

"I don't know why it happened—I don't even like you."

"I don't like you either." I lied because I myself didn't know if I had feelings for her, I figured I did yet I couldn't admit it.

"We were both drunk and things happened." I said, she nodded her head agreeing with me.

"Right things happen." She said before going back into the bathroom to get changed, I waited around for a bit until she came out and sat down on the bed. I copied her sitting down beside her.

"I just want to forget it Antoine." She spoke which made something in me change instantly. I felt sad—or something along the lines.

"Right." Was all I could get out of my mouth, I felt stupid in that moment for even thinking there was a possibility of her liking me.

"We both feel nothing towards each other and it was a mistake." She continued, it was like there was a knife digging in my chest.

"Of course—Well I should get going now." I said standing up heading towards the door.

"Okay, I'll see tomorrow."

Something in me was sad and empty. I have feelings for her don't I? How could she just want to forget everything? Everything about last night was special— to me anyways. Did last night really not mean anything to her?

all mine | antoine griezmann | ✓Where stories live. Discover now