Tuesday, August 16th 2016

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I guess I'll start off the first entry with an overview of today. My foreign friend from Japan who has been staying with us for the past two weeks has just got on the train to the airport, ready to go home.

I didn't think I'd be as sad as I was when I saw him go. He has a crush on me and wasn't doing a great job of hiding it with the constant hugs, "I like you"s and the fact that he bought my family and I presents. He's really adorable but just as clingy which is probably the main thing putting me off from being his girlfriend. He even came into my room while I was sleeping and spooned me hahaha

My mum and sister ship us like crazy which is also annoying but just about tolerable. Of course, I gave him a kiss goodbye before he got on the train, it would be so mean if I didn't.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the cinema with my sister, Chloe and best friend, Hannah to see Suicide Squad. I'm sure the actor for the Joker is great but I'm sorry, there is no way he could ever beat Heath Ledger. No one can. I'm also curious about the new Harley Quin. I've not watched the animated Batman series so I don't know who the original is like. I know, sue me lol

And all the hate she gets like, "She wears no clothes, she's such a bad role model" "Her makeup is so slutty, she shouldn't be around girls" blah blah blah Of course she's a bad role model, she's a serial killer 😂

I also want to see Finding Dory, I haven't gotten around to seeing it yet. You Americans are lucky, having movies in cinemas like months before the British. Of course, not all movies, like Star Wars and most Marvel movies.

Deadpool is my new favourite Marvel (anti)hero btw. My favourite hero would have to be either Nightcrawler or Quicksilver and my favourite villain would have to be Deathstroke (DC, I know).

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