Saturday 15th October 2016

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Hey, it's been a while. It's because college is picking up with work and such so writing in my journal isn't at the top of my priorities right now.

However, I do have my 18th birthday to look forward to where hopefully I'll be able to save up some more money Japan. I'm roughly £150 away from a Japanese summer holiday. Shotaro said I could stay in his house which is nice of him but we need to consult with his mother because, well, it's her house. But we let Shotaro stay with us so she kind of owes us one lol.

He wants to take me everywhere and he's practically on his knees, begging me to come. I've been told by a friend that the Kawaii Monster Café is cool so I decided to look it up. Oh My God am I really desperate to go! It screams Japanese pop culture. Kawaii stuff everywhere with bright colours and crazy foods and everything.

Shotaro said he wanted to take me to a Maid Café which made my friend seriously jealous, being a huge fan of Kaichou wa Maid Sama. So I told her I'll say hi to Usui for her and take lots of pictures and make postcards out of them. She likes postcards. The problem with that is that I'm SO bad at taking pictures. Not just taking a bad picture but actually forgetting to take them. For some reason I feel like I would remember the whole day, start to finish with no reason to remind myself. (And that Usui is fictional but that's between you and me so we can't tell Alex 😉).

On family holidays, my mum takes countless pictures and I'm just like "Really? Pictures?" The only time I think to take pictures is when... I don't know, like, I take pictures of my pets sometimes when they're acting cute or if I feel like it's a huge memorable moment. And I have lots of pictures from the internet of my fandoms.

The only videos I have are of my pets being cute or weird. My cat, Tom is just not normal. Most times I'm near him, he clings onto my arm or leg like a koala, maybe bite and kneed his claws into my flesh. I've gotten used to the pain but sometimes I give him my jacket or whatever and that keeps him happy. When we first got Tom, he didn't like cat food all that much but was happy with pretty much everything else. This includes chips, crisps, popcorn, cake, marshmallows, tomatoes, broccoli, cheese etc etc... And to this day he still hates fish.

My other cat, Spike just meows at the top of his lungs when he wants feeding or to go out which gets annoying very easily. Then there's Archie who is 4 or 5 years old and still behaves like a kitten. He looks like one too. He's really small and cute and cuddly and squeaks like a mouse when he meows.

And last but not least is Bobby, our sheep dog. Where do I begin with him? He loves mum, hates me but he never bites, only show his teeth, growl and lick all at once, especially in the car when he hates anyone who breathes around him (seriously). Once, mum had to spoon feed him his dog food because it was a different brand. He also tries to talk to you by making noises and looking at you in the eye until you get the idea of what he wants. Oh, and he always barks at whomever should set foot in the house or dare come near it. Sometimes his first bark is when you're already in the house and he makes you shit yourself when you're not expecting it.

There's something about this house and weird animals.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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