Tuesday 30th August 2016

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I couldn't be happier to be finally home. At least Hannah had a better weekend than me. She may have found a potential boyfriend which is nice. They started planning their own wedding over text at lunch today in Costa haha. So far it's a Star Wars themed wedding where her dad is Darth Vader, she's Laya and her future husband is Han Solo. My other friend Charisse and I called dibs on being storm troopers. I'm pretty sure all the bridesmaids and groomsmen will be storm troopers. I haven't met Alex but Hannah says he's nice.

In other news, I painted t shirts today. A kawaii nutella and a girl skipping with matches with the words "I'M PLAYING WITH MATCHES" I got that idea from Echo Gillette's sketchbook tour video. I recommend you watch her channel :)

I have to go back into college on Thursday for class enrolment and go back again on the 12th when the year officially starts. I'm thinking about taking a third year. I know I previously said I'd avoid that at all costs but I really want to do art which is a 2 year course, I love it and it would get me more grades. Creative writing would also be good, I feel I can do well in it. None of the subjects college has to offer will help me in my Japanese goal so I'm just doing it for fun and grades.

Once again, I couldn't be happier to be home. No dad , no lectures on who knows what, no more criticism and I have my own bed back again. I love my bed. See you next time!

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