Monday 26th September 2016

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So I've been reading the Noragami manga. I've picked up from where the anime left off and the story because it's the exact same story and is just one horrible disaster after another. It's amazing and makes me want to keep reading but it also makes me want to tear up. I'm on chapter 51 and I still have 16 chapters left to go and who knows what could happen that's even worse?

I got to read what happened in Yato's past which was just sad and terrifying. I'm not going to spoil anything but I warn you, it's like jumanji. Don't start reading unless you intended to finish.

After reading to the end of chapter 52, I can confirm that things are getting worse as the manga goes on. However, there was a cute moment between Yato and Hiyori. I ship them so hard!

I think I forgot to tell you that I, as well as four other people, are currently in the process of writing a script for a short movie. The company is Signal Films, if you don't know what that is, they have a website. Just search signal films into Google and it should come up.

I can't tell anyone anything about the story but I can tell you we have the story fully planned out in only two days and I'm really proud of everyone for helping each other out with this. Special thanks to Joe, Steffan, Lois and Megan who are my teammates. Also, Sue and Stef who were the ones who brought us together and got us working. I think we all have beautifully creative minds.

The next meeting will be on October 18th where I'm really not sure what's going on. The only thing I think that sucks about this is my birthday being on the schedule to meet up. I mean, I love doing this even after two days and everyone is so nice, but it's my 18th birthday. Come on. I want to sleep in, have fun at home, plan my party etc etc.

Oh, a both annoying and funny thing happened today. My college requires all the students to wear an ID lanyard and today I just so happened to accidentally forget mine. That was also the day the college decided to have three teachers guarding the entrance to the college. Upon them seeing me having no ID in sight, a woman who I assume is Sue, an infamous teacher in the college. I never met her so I don't know if it was here but the way she spoke to me gave it away that she was Sue.

"Where's your lanyard?" She practically spat at me.
"I'm sorry, I left it at home."
"Where is it?" Again, spat.
"... home. ( I just said that)" Okay, she does not need to know where it's exact location. I told her I accidentally forgot and that should let her assume I know where it is and that I will wear it next time. Not to mention I literally answered the same question twice.
"We have a reason for the lanyards, you can't just decided not to wear them."
"I'm sorry, I forgot it. I'll be sure to remember tomorrow."

We have to wear IDs because apparently a few years back, a middle aged guy who wasn't a student came in and sat between these young girls and was acting... weird. So the college made an ID policy. If you have one on, they believe you're a student or staff member. Of course that doesn't apply when you've already been here a year and they know me anyway. And FYI, I don't "decide not to wear it". I think she woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day.

Last year, they weren't strict at all about lanyards and who's not wearing them. Now, they're pretty much their number one priority and go so far as patrolling around the halls and classrooms, checking everyone. In the end, I wore a "temporary" ID which wasn't even an ID, it just said VISITOR on a piece of paper. I kept it hidden throughout the day, only showing it when they asked.

Let me tell you, those lanyards get in the way if everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. When you go to sit down, they fall on the table and pull all your papers off. You have to bend down like 270° to scan them on the printer because if you take it off, whether or not you put it back on, you will get a lecture. This happened to my friend, Charisse. It the buckle is on the back on your neck and it scratches you so much that you get a rash, maybe even bleed and you're still not allowed to take it off. I put tape on the buckle which helps.

Because I'm only 5ft tall, mine reaches just above my hips and it swings when I walk, dangles over my hands when I'm bending over to do something such as writing and pretty much getting in the way of everything we do. The only thing it's useful for is to keep my USB on easy hand and to annoy my friends with my laser pen.

One more thing. My college and another local college has merged so technically I go to both, even if I only have vpclasdes in one building. In the ID, it says to return it to either one of those colleges if lost. If they return it to the other college, there is no way of me knowing and having to pay for the bus to the other building literally on the other side of town, or pay the same price getting it replaced. They didn't think that through.

Thanks for reading my rant and I'll see you next time x

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