Tuesday 13th September 2016

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Hell, Day 2: Today wasn't so bad to be honest. I mean, I still hate having to be there at 9am and can't go home until 4pm with nothing to do in the middle of the day. But the classes aren't that bad and my friends are good company.

Film, I'd have to say, is the class that drags the most. People who wanted to take film but didn't all think that the only thing you do in class is watch movies and write about them. You do do that but you have to write about literally everything. The lighting, characters, plot, cinematography, performance, mise en scene, everything. It's not just movies, but documentaries you have to write about. There's also box office and cinemas and comparing everything. You get questions like how the female characters in Film noir compare and contrast. That question is pretty easy, honestly.

Hopefully I won't have to be at the beginning again in media for very long. Something must have gone wrong during the marking. No way in hell did I get a U. Hopefully, I'll join Hannah in the second year of media and pick up where I left off.

Art is going okay so far. I haven't made any real pieces yet because it's just work shops going on. Pencil shades and textures is what we're do far. Tomorrow, Nikki the teacher said it'll be messy. I imagine either ink or some form if pain will be involved. I'm a little excited for that. The different workshops will book until the Christmas holidays. From then till Easter, it's preparing and making projects.

I got my ID this morning and it's the same horrible picture as last year. One if the teachers who eventually put private studying on my timetable and after that, nothing that big should be troubling me.

Bye x

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