Wednesday 21st September 2016

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MY LAPTOP IS FINALLY FIXED!!!!!!! Dad, would you believe me if I told you that two weeks of repair time works better than it collecting dust for 6 years? Really, it's true. That man thinks I'm stupid.

I haven't got it back yet, but I should soon. I can't wait, I must be the most patient person in this family. I'm also getting a new camera tomorrow. There's a Facebook page to buy and sell stuff for where I live. Barrow Seek and Sell. There is the risk of being scammed and that's what I'm a little concerned about with this woman selling me the camera. See, normally, you go to the person who's selling the item's house to pay and pick up the item, or they'd go to yours, whatever works best for both of you.

But this woman wanted to meet outside of a Pub (public house, aka, Bar) and then the library. Now she's brought her friend into it and apparently, he's the one who's really selling me the camera because he knows more about it. I'll go just in case but I have expressed my concerns to her. She got really defensive at one point. "This is a legitimate sale. If you don't want to make the purchase, I can sell it to someone else." I only asked her where to meet, the library or her friend's house because she said she would be at her friend's house and it would be from there. The library is her final answer.

At the end of the day, that might just be who she is and not up to anything. But you can never be too careful. Also, she started the conversation over Facebook at 11pm which is weird.

I hope to start a vlog channel on YouTube some time in the future which I'm excited about and it's one of the reasons I want the camera. All I need now is a tripod. I'm pretty much starting from scratch. An animation is also an upcoming attraction. If you have recommendations for a free or cheap software, let me know :)

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