Monday 12th September 2016

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If I were to describe my first day back in one word, it would be the word, 'chaotic'. Not for me, personally, but the day in general.

Everyone was told to go into the sports hall to collect their IDs and their timetables. The IDs were there and arranged in alphabetical order, A-T. I'm W. Apparently the ID printer stopped working and ran out if ink. So as of probably tomorrow, I don't have my school ID. If I'm honest, that's not the worst thing to worry about, it was just so annoying to have to be told to go back and fourth to talk to different people about it.

Then there was the timetable issue as a whole and my personal problem with it. The problem in general was that I think the staff neglected to print everyone's timetable until the very last minute and we all had to wait about half an hour for them to show up. When I say all, I mean around 300 people in the sports hall and the main desk.

My timetable is a nightmare. I start at the earliest time and finish at the latest with a 3 hour gap of nothing to do in the middle of every day. I do have my friends to share those empty spaces with, but only half of the time. We wrote each other's initials in the empty spaces so we know who we'll be with.

We had an introduction talk for around 15 minutes which wasn't bad. After that was our first lessons of the day, mine was Media. It took me down memory lane to the beginning of first year because I have to redo the class. Hopefully I can get my exam remarked so I can do the second year half of the course.

Then it was 3 hours of nothing. I spent the first hour with my friend, Josh to go to the café which was shut. So we just went back for chips (French fries) and coke like always. The second hour was spent with the squad which was the best part of the day. The third hour was spent with Charrise in her private study. Then it was art, where we had to draw a clear plastic cup for half an hour. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, I like drawing.

And now I'm home where I have a new memory foam mattress and the craving to finish painting the cover of my folder (binder) for media. Adios x

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