Wednesday, 17th August 2016

20 1 0

Just got back from watching Suicide Squad and I'm pretty satisfied. It wasn't the best but it was good and I enjoyed it. Harley was funny, I liked her character as goes the same with Death Shot. For those who haven't seen it yet, I'm sorry for spoilers, but there's a Flash cameo which was times perfectly, I must say. I also now see why people find the joker attractive. I never thought psychopaths or sociopaths were my cup of tea until I saw this version of the joker. I mean, he doesn't make a dint on how amazing Heath Ledger was but even so, he gets a thumbs up from me.

Tomorrow is exam results day and Hannah is freaking out. I am too, a little, but I've learned to relax about these days. I mean, your score is pretty much there once you finish the exam, you just have to wait to see it. Besides, so long as you did your best, that's good enough, right?

I'm studying Media, Film and Travel in my Sixth Form College and I'm pretty confident. My media teacher said he would convince the examiner to give me a good mark, regardless of whether I completely finished it or not because I almost literally worked my ass of for six months on my project. Let me tell you, to do a hand drawn animation on your own in six months for a clip lasting 3-3.5 minutes is freaking hard, okay? Like that's really hard shit.

There's that as well as completing projects for two more subjects that require the same amount of time and effort. For my travel project, we had to organise a trip outside of school in teams of about 5 people, along with writing a report which mine consisted of around 100 and something pages. And guess who did all the work? Yours truly. The trip part, I did more or less all, and we each had to complete the report. The only work I didn't do in that project was making the posters and questionnaires.

My Film project was more merciful, however. I had to create and write a story in the form of a Step Outline. If you don't know what that is, it's basically the opposite of a script. There is no dialogue, just a description of the setting and the characters and I had to divide the story out into a maximum of 8 parts. That was easy-ish, but I spent weeks on that project and came out with a C, no more no less. Whereas Hannah completed the whole thing in 2 days and came out with a B+. Favouritism much? Lol

There's all that with another 6 written exams, 2 for each subject. If you picked one of the unlucky subjects like law or psychology, then you'll probably get more.

But who cares? They're over with and I have three weeks left of summer, well deserved. I'll post my results tomorrow and to anyone also collecting their A or AS level on the 18th, I wish you good luck :)

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