Thursday 1st September 2016

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So I have decided to no longer continue with travel and tourism in my Sixth Form College. Either I pass and continue onto the second year, start the first year over or just drop it and move on. I'm going to miss my friends in that class. We don't have any other classes together, unfortunately,so we'll be lucky so see each other in the halls. However, I am continuing with Film studies into the second year of the course which should be okay. I'm still with Hannah in that class.

I'm starting Media again and see what I can do. I mean, I'm not happy with that but I enjoy the class and I feel I was making progress in being confident in my work and such. I'm also now taking Art which I'm told it will definitely be intensive to the point where I will have to live, sleep and breathe art. But at least art and being creative is one of my favourite things to do. The final course I have decided to take is creative writing. I think I could enjoy that and based on how well my story on the Hitachiin twins went, I think I'll do well too. Thanks a lot for that, by the way guys 😘

A new year means a new generation of students. While I'm open minded about that, I'm also concerned. I know I, myself were a first year only a year ago but I was very quiet as I started and slowly built up my extroverted and social side as I got used to the college. Not everyone is like me and I don't know how the new students will react to being there. They'll either be like I was, already have their group of friends of whom they hang around with or they'll still think they're in year 11 of secondary school and behave that way. For those of whom who don't understand how grades work in the UK, year 11s are pretty much the same as sophomores. 15 and 16 year olds thinking they own the place and think it's cool to block up hallways and be loud and annoying. Obviously, not all year 11s and sophomores are like that, I'm just talking in general.

Technically I'm going back as a first year because I'm starting again with the exception of Film. Apparently you can pay to have your exams remarked to double check if the grade you got was really the grade you got. But for three exams at £40 ($70+-) something each, I'd rather just start afresh and move on. Also, if your grades remain unchanged or even go down, that's who knows how much money wasted. Or as my Japanese friend says: Wah-sted. Haha cute.

With these new courses being taken, I have no choice but to take a third year. At least my good friends Charisse and Kerensa will be there with me. Hannah will be starting uni and I don't know about anyone else. I will definitely miss whoever graduates.

There's nothing else to say about today do I guess I'll see you next time. Bye :)

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