Wednesday 7th September 2016

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School has started for my two younger sisters while I'm here at home till Monday. To prepare fmy new art classes, I have been drawing non stop where I refuse to not finish at least 2 pictures a day in full detail. Sometimes that means not going to bed till 2:30 am for the sake of finishing a amature drawing.

Most of the drawings consist of the characters from Elemental Masters. If you have been here long enough, you would probably know about my original story I wrote here. I published a few parts until I realised it would be so much better as an animation. The actions would be clearer and the story would be so much better expressed. I still need to file down the edges in order to get it up and running but the first episode will be on YouTube some time or another.

With that aside, my Japanese friend is coming back over for Christmas which were all excited about. I asked him what he wanted as a Christmas present and he said "Marshmallow -chan" which is his nickname for me. So I'm going to buy him a bag of marshmallows as a joke.

I'm Marshmallow because I'm white and sweet. My nickname for him is Tamago -chan which means Egg. He's Egg-chan because he ate a lot if them while he was here last time because he likes food with protein. Also he kept comparing the colour if the egg to the colour if his skin and liked how they matched. Apparently they don't have the brown-ish coloured eggs in Japan, only white.

It's classic Hannah to cancel plans at the last minute, so instead of the three of us, me, Hannah and Kerensa going to pizza hut, it'll be just Kerensa and I going shopping together. I'm not complaining, it's an excellent plan B.

See you soon x

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