Friday 23rd September 2016

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Let's just say the woman got a little bitchy when I said I no longer wanted to buy the camera. She thought I was trying to make her out as a fraud and name and shame her in the Facebook page. She was quite rude too.

In other words, MY LAPTOP IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! You cant imagine how happy I am right now. I waited 6 years "I did my waiting! 12 years of it! In Azkaban!" Perfect opportunity. Next on the agenda is a new camera and microphone. Until I have those, I cant make  vlogs or animations with audio. It feels like forever since I've been able to use this. Let me tell you, it feels great to have it back.

That's really all I have to say about today so I guess il see you soon :)

Oh! And I highly recommend you watch Noragami. It's funny, sad and just downright cute. In fact, I have a fanfiction idea about it x

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