Friday 9th September 2016

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I gotta say, things haven't been going my way these past two months. First, I get the worst grades possible when I almost literally put my heart and soul into getting at least a decent grade, then I'm being talked down to like a child from my dad and pretty much forbidden to have fun for 10 days, I hate the new teacher who replaced the best one, I can't continue with travel and tourism because of said shit grade and now I can't do creative writing because it's in the same time section as art.

The other solution was to do photography instead of art. I have no problem with photography, I think it would be fun to do every once in a while. Every Once In A While. Not everyday. I'm sorry, but i don't think you need that much skill in photography. All you need is a camera and an object and a few things in between like lightning and positioning. Can you imagine sitting there for am hour every day, writing "I like this picture of this banana because..." for two years. I know I need a grade and it's easy but Jesus Christ, you don't have to put me to sleep while doing it.

I love art and I love being creative so I couldn't replace it for something else. So instead of creative writing, I have private study because literally nothing else looked even remotely enjoyable. Private study is pretty much doing whatever you want for an hour, which isn't bad but there's barely anything to do in college. With private study, I have free periods in my time table which add more long hours of nothing. There's the library and computers for studying, but for three hours straight? You also have your friends to hang out with but only if they have a free period the same time as you. When they take different classes, it's had to find middle ground. Also our college is in the middle of nowhere other that a café and a corner shop, a ten minute walk away in different directions. So basically you sit mostly alone in silence or you spend money.

You can go home if you want if you don't have any more classes for that day which is nice. But when you have one class at the start of the ay and not another one till the very end, you'd rather be anywhere else. Plus, you can't go on Facebook with the college wifi which sucks ass. You can go on YouTube at least.

One more thing, our friendship spot in the cantine(cafeteria) will now, probably be perminently taken by first years.

I'll let you know how my first day went on Monday x

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