Friday 16th September 2016

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It turns out it's my fault my grade is shit, not the person marking it, so I have to start from scratch again. However, I might be able to take AS and A2 in the same year which will save lots of time next year. Fingers crossed.

I've had to break my Japanese friend, Shotaro's heart once more. Like I said in the first entry, he has a crush on me. I like him a lot, he's one of my favourite people. But I don't love him like he does me. It doesn't matter how good my Japanese is, I can't get through to him about that. He says he'll never give but he doesn't understand that that will do more harm than good. If anyone has a way to get through to him, let me know.

I'm not an emotional person. That helps when it comes to not being easily offended but when it comes to someone opening up about their feelings towards me, my first instinct is to push them away and avoid them at all costs. I have nothing to hide and I'm not afraid of getting hurt so I don't know why it happens. I've hurt so many people because of this. My ex and I were best friends for 6 years until he confessed. We went out for about 3 weeks until I couldn't stand the sight of him or his messages. We haven't spoken since.

There are lots and lots of things that are bothering me right now and Shotaro is just one of them. I wish I could hide away from the world for a while.


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