chapter 7

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I sat at the counter, Harry making his usual Potter Pancakes.

I flipped lazily through the Daily Prophet until I got to the 3rd page.

My hands stiffened as I read the paper over and over again.

Harry turned around and gave me a concerned look. "Hermione? What is it?" He looked down at the paper and took it in his hands.

"Oh Merlin!" He yelled, slamming the paper down on the counter. "Harry, it's okay...." I said slowly, rising from my seat.

The headline Potter's New Love shone bright at me.

He paced around the kitchen, "okay? This is not okay! I should've known they'd take pictures, look at this!"

He pointed aggressively at the picture of us at Diagon Alley, embracing each other with a kiss.

"Now they're going to follow you around! I can't make you go through what I have," he said. "They already have followed me around! If you weren't aware, I was there when you defeated him. I've been just as much a part of this journey as you!" I yelled.

He laughed. "You think you've gone through what I've gone through? Felt the pain I have?"

I looked at him and my temper softened.

"No, no.... I just meant I was there, too. And I've felt pain in ways you haven't. I never meant to say I've suffered as much as you."

Just as he looked like he was going to yell again, I said, "I knew this would happen. I knew that if I wanted to be with you, people would notice, wouldn't they? But it's all worth it, I hope."

He looked at me, and then back at the newspaper, snatched it and went up the stairs.

I stood there for a moment and rolled my eyes. Harry was such a diva. I knew bloodly well he wasn't mad at me, he just wanted to make a scene.

Suddenly, I heard a phone ring. We have a phone? I thought, puzzled. I followed the sound and found it in the corner of the living room, and answered it. "Hello?" I said.

"CAN YOU HEAR ME?" A voice yelled loudly.

I shrieked, pulling the phone away from my ear.

"RON! Bloody hell, yes! I can hear you," I said, annoyed.

"Sorry! Was expecting Harry to pick up, he gets it. Er- anyways, we haven't seen each other in a few months, how would you two like to come over for dinner tonight?" He said, much more quiet.

"Oh, join you and Luna? We would absolutely love too!" I said happily, smiling for the first time today.

"Great!" Said Ron. "Okay, I think I can remember where your flat is, if not, I'll let you know!" I said.

"Alright, see you guys tonight!" He said. "Bye!" I sang, hanging up the phone and running upstairs to tell (a probably grumpy) Harry about our plans.

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