chapter 13

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Harry and Hermione munched on popcorn, sitting on the couch in their living room.

Quinn was curled up in between them, sleeping quietly.

"So she ends up with Josh?!" Harry exclaimed, watching the TV in horror.

"Of course- I think Cher and Josh were really supposed to be together all along. It just took time," Hermione replied.

Harry shook his head. "I wasted two hours of my life on this. This is the type of stuff I've been missing in the muggle world?"

Hermione laughed and through a piece of popcorn at his face. "Hey, this is one of my favorite movies!"

Harry turned off of the TV. "I'm going to go get ready for bed."

"Alright," Hermione said, petting Quinn.

Harry set down his bowl on the table and got up.

Hermione eyed it and looked at him. "Can you please, for once, put your stuff away?"

Harry turned around. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hermione's eyes narrowed. "Oh, come on. You leave everything around this flat for me to pick up after. I'm sick of it!"

"You don't have to make such a big deal over it," Harry groaned.

Hermione frowned. "Maybe if you would be a bit more helpful, then I wouldn't have to make a big deal out of anything!"

The raised voices had woken up Quinn, who started meowing.

"Look, now you woke up Quinn! Great job!" She exclaimed.

"Who's fault was it that we have a cat to wake up in the first place?" Harry said back.

Hermione gasped, and could feel her blood boiling. She stood up to face him. "Alright, I've had enough of this! Of you being lazy, you being rude, you leaving me every day! I'm sick of it!"

"Do you think I want to leave you everyday?" Harry yelled.

Hermione scoffed. "You bloody hell act like it!"

Harry frowned. "Well I don't!"

"Then why do you still go?!" She yelled.

Harry's level of anger was rising, but not nearly to Hermione's. "Why are you still yelling me?" He exclaimed.

"You know why! Maybe this won't work out- I don't think it was supposed to. Two best friends. Best friends. We're not supposed to be like this. I just, I have to-"

"You know what you should do?" Harry said.

Hermione felt herself shaking. "What should I do, Harry?"

"You should marry me."

Hermione froze. The blood drained from her face- she was feeling faint.

"What did you say?" She said quietly.

Harry looked as though he wasn't sure what he had said either.

"I said.... You should marry me."

He stepped closer to her and suddenly got down on one knee. He rummaged in his pocket and finally pulled out a tiny black box.

Hermione couldn't believe her eyes- was this actually happening? Right now?

"Hermione Jean Granger. I love you. I love you so much. I don't think I've loved anything more than you. Your intellect, your wit, your looks. You are everything I ever dreamed of. Ever since I saw you when I was eleven years old on the train I knew. Somehow- this little hint. This was the girl I would marry. And I know we're young. We're so young. So we don't have to get married just yet. But I feel like, if I don't do this now, I could loose you forever. And I can't loose anyone else, Mione. Especially not you. You mean absolutely everything to me. You are one light in this damned world. And I need that light with me for the rest of my light if I'm going to be able to stay here. I need you. This ring- it was given to me by Minerva. She said it was my mothers wedding ring. This signifies the bond my parents had for each other, and they were so similar to us. I can't get them back, but I feel like, through us, I'm getting to see a part of them. So I'm asking you this, not only as your boyfriend, but your best friend, will you marry me?"

Hermione could have sworn she had not released a breathe through that whole thing. Tears were collecting- no, they were pouring- from her eyes.

Her mind was empty yet racing at the same time. She was only 19. But Harry said they could take time. And in this moment- she felt like she had all time in the world.

She took a deep breathe, collecting her thoughts. She looked deep into his eyes.


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