Quiting, Leaving, A Bus Stop, and A Hotel?!

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(I'll be adding songs to match the mood)

Lucy's Pov)

I slightly opened my eyes, and carefully looked around, letting my eyes adjust to the somewhat dark surroundings. I looked out the window, and saw that that sun wasn't up yet. I then looked at the clock, and saw that it was a quarter till six in the morning. I decided to get up, and get an early start. I went to the bathroom, and turned the water on to the shower, setting it to a lukewarm. I then stripped of my clothing and bandages, and quickly hopped in, washing myself quickly. After about fifteen minutes, I got out and carefully dried myself off. I then wrapped fresh clean bandages around my wounded stomach, arms, and legs. I then slipped into a new outfit, something that will show a full view of the bandages on my arms. I dressed in a shirt that showed my chest and cleavage, blue skinny jeans, thigh high black, buckled boots, and a bracelet that looked like a belt buckle(ignore the coat, high heels, and the arm gloves). After getting dressed, I grabbed my letter to the guild, and one of the letters that I wrote for Lisanna, before running out the door.

 After getting dressed, I grabbed my letter to the guild, and one of the letters that I wrote for Lisanna, before running out the door

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I then quickly ran out of my apartment, and to the guild. It wasn't too long until it reached the guild doors. I went inside, and saw only a few people, but all had that same scowls and glares that I saw everyday. I didn't make eye contact with anyone, and I quickly walked towards master's office. It was a good thing that Lisanna wasn't here. I didn't want her to be here for this. I then knocked on the door to master's office, as I heard the faint noise of a pen writing and papers flipping. "Come in." I heard him say, before entering and then shutting the door, and hiding my arms behind me. "Hello Lucy, what can I do for you?" He asked. "Master, I want to leave the guild." I announced, but then I heard his pen drop, as I saw him, eyes widened and his mouth parted slightly. "My child, but why?" He asked, with a bit of sadness in his voice. I then took out my arms from behind my back, and unraveled the bandages. I looked at him, he was shocked, eyes about as wide than a plate.

"It's because of this! This is what this guild of a so called 'family' did to me! I never told you because you have other more important things to do, but Lisanna taught me something, and that's to know who to trust and who not to trust, and for now I don't trust Fairy Tail, but I do trust you, as well as Lisanna." I then picked up my bandages, and wrapped them around my arms. "They haven't only hurt me there. They've been bruising almost all over my body, but that's the thing that doesn't hurt the most, it's about saying goodbye." I then looked down at the floor board, clenching my fist to stop from crying. "Alright, my child I will remove your guild mark, an-" "No, because I will return stronger and wiser from a journey, so I can be more useful, and before I leave I want to give you these." I then handed him the letters that I wrote one to the guild, and one to Lisanna. "After I get back from this journey, I'll visit but only for a few days." I then walked out of master's office, and quickly ran home.

~Time Skip~

I walked into my apartment, and got my two suitcases, a lacrima, the second letter that was for Lisanna, and I took the blue ribbon that I had out of my suitcase, and decided to give it to Lisanna as a reminder of me. I then told the land lady that a white haired girl would pick these up, and that I would be leaving. After that I left, and I walked through the market place, as the wafting scent of fresh fruit consumed me. 'I'll missed the smell of this, it's always so calm and refreshing.' I thought, looking around to meet the scenes of fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, and several magic and weapon shops. I stopped and decided to look at my watch on my right wrist, and saw that it was 7:48 in the evening. 'Crude, that cargo ship leaves at eight!' I mentally screamed in my mind. I then grabbed my suitcases, thankfully reminding myself that they both had wheels, and ran towards the docks. I passed several shops that contained several objects and items, either containing several different types of magic items, weaponry, or some sort of type of fruit or vegetable.

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