Test, Pizza, and New Char-I Mean Faces!

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Lucy's Pov)

Ah~, another lunch break. One of my favorite parts of the day. "Time to eat! Time to eat!" Yumoto said, a lot more excited then I am. "Yumoto, this is your third meal already. At least worry about that a little bit." I heard Lisanna say. "But I get hungry after I cuddle Wombat and Hoshi. "It's best to just play along." En told Lisanna. All she could do was sigh. "Young people are amazing." Atsushi said. "But in his case, it's doesn't have anything to do with being young." I commented. "So Lucy, what're you getting?" Lisanna asked me. We were buying lunch, mainly because I didn't have enough time to make our lunch this morning. We were honestly lucky just to squeeze breakfast in on time. "I'm gonna go with more of a vegetarian dish." I said. "Come on~, you've got to at least put some meat on your bones. You've been eating a lot more greens than usual. You worried about your weight, or something(A/N: In my opinion, everybody is perfect the way they are, okay.)?" Lisanna asked. "No, it's just that I got a craving for this kind of stuff lately. Plus, meat sort of gives me a little food bump." I explained to her. "Hold on, let me see." She said, and started rubbing my belly for some reason. She then gasped for some reason. "It moved." She said...okay, now I'm mad.

I punched her on top of her head, and glared at her. "I'm not pregnant, got that? Don't. Ever. Make. That. Joke. Again." I growled, glaring at her dead in the eye. "Okay, okay! I won't do it again!" Lisanna said as quick as a roadrunner. "So, what're you getting?" I asked her. "Something with either eggs or salmon. I just want some protein in my stomach." Lisanna said, acting as carefree as ever. I noticed ever since we've got to this world that I've started opening up more. But Lisanna on the other hand, she was responsible, yet carefree at the same time. But sometimes, it feels like I'm taking care of a drunk friend. After buying our lunches, we walked towards our usual seats. When the lunch period was over, we just went back to the club room.

"I feel so refreshed after my after-lunch cuddle!" Yumoto said, taking a sigh of pure bliss. "Everyone!" Wombat announced, grabbing our attention. "Don't you think it's strange?" He asked, but we were just confused on what the heck he was talking about. "Can you be a little more specific?" I asked Wombat. "Pretend not to see the cuddling?" Atsushi asked. "No, about the monsters!" Wombat said. "What? Is there another one?" Yumoto asked. "No, you dummy! Don't you think it's strange that they always appear near us?!" Hoshi raised her voice at Yumoto. "Now that you mention it, maybe the enemy is closer then expected." Lisanna said aloud. "It's true that they seem to appear frequently in our surroundings." Io said. "And they appear when we start talking about them." Ryuu said. Then, as if on cue, someone or something knocks at the door.

Before the person or monster could come in, Wombat quickly hid behind the table. Luckily, it wasn't a monster, just Akoya. "Excuse me, Defense Club." Akoya said, but then had a look of disgust on his face. He even started to plug his nose. "What is this smell?" Akoya said, before Atsugi stood in front of Mr. Tawarayama, in order to hide his body. "Oh, Akoya, did you need something?" I asked him, he blushed, I think? 'Maybe I should get some glasses, just in case.' I thought, until Akoya broke my thoughts with a cough, before he put a handkerchief over his nose. "Actually, regarding this club you have been approved for the time being, but I have come to inform you that according to the Student Council Bylaws, Article 132, in the event that the members' final exam scores are below average, the club will be disbanded." Akoya explained, shocking us all.

What? Was there a legitimate rule for that?" I asked him. "It was just created." Akoya said. "Well, that's how it is. This smell...is it the smell of a dead animal?" Akoya asked, we were all shocked. "You've got a good nose, kid." En said, distracting him. "W-Was that all, or do you need more from us?" I asked Akoya. "Yes. Well then, I'll take my leave." Akoya said, but not before staring a bit at Ryuu. "What are you looking at?" Ryuu said, obviously annoyed. "Aren't you the one looking at me?" Akoya said. 'Now I know why they call him the number one narcissist of the school.' I thought, signing to myself. "Don't you think he's misunderstanding something?" Ryuu shouted, getting up from his chair. "Maybe he's taken a liking to you, Ryuu?" I said, completely unaware of how odd that sounded. "Ew, stop it." He said, sitting back down. I was just left puzzled by his response.

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