The Press Society is Annoying!

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Lisanna's Pov)

It was a typical day for the nine of us, just hanging out in the club room. But that was only because it was raining mildly-hard outside, like it has been for several days, so we decided to stay here at school so that none of us would catch a cold. "Raining again today?" En spoke up, eating some chocolates. "It is the rainy season, after all." Io commented. "It's hard to be enthusiastic when it's raining." En said, but it was ironic since he was probably the most uneventful person in the group. "About what?" I asked him out of pure curiosity. "Active and aggressive things." He answered. "In all the time I've known you, I've never seen you do anything active or aggressive." Atsushi spoke aloud, and he did have a point. "Really?" En asked Atsushi. "He has a point, you know. At least the En Yufuin that I know of is always passive and defensive." I said to him. "That's my gir-Lisanna! You've got the English skills!" En said, quickly rearranging his sentence, while having a small tint of a pink blush on his cheeks.

'Wait! Was he about to say "My girl"?! No, no, no! Is just my imagination, right?!' I freaked out a little bit, unaware of the small, pink blush that coated my cheeks. I then heard a small, almost unnoticeable snicker to my right. I saw Lucy slightly covering her mouth. I just glared at her. 'Wipe that little smirk off your face!' I shouted at her in my thoughts. She just flashed me an innocent smile. I swear, she always did that. She teases me about, and I will now admit it, me being in love with En Yufuin. I knew that she meant well, but it can get a little annoying, and even worse, horribly embarrassing. After that little, unnoticeable quarrel, we focused our attention on random topics, until something caught our eyes. We saw Yumoto cuddling Wombat and Hoshi, but that was the part that was pretty common. The odd thing was that he pupils were dilated, like he was in some sort of trace. But, either way, it was a bit creepy, in my opinion.

"Uh, Yumoto?" I said, taking him out of whatever traces he was probably in. "Were your pupils dilated just now?" Atsushi asked. "Something about cuddling Wom-san and Hoshi-chan takes me closer to Nirvana." Yumoto said, his tone in an almost completely relaxed and blissful state. I was a bit confused, but I guess that it was like paradise for him. "So, its like a feeling of security?" Lucy questioned. "It's a little different from security." Yumoto answered. "Then what is it?" En asked. "What, indeed?" Yumoto replied. "You're asking me?" En replied back. "We say "no thank you" to being cuddled for no reason!" Wombat retaliated. "Don't say that! Let me cuddle you two!" Yumoto exclaimed. "Unhand us at once! Day after day after day, you've cuddled us so much, the fur around our stomachs are starting to thin out!" Hoshi retaliated as well, angry with Yumoto's decision. "Then I'll cuddle your back from now on!" Yumoto replied, but I could tell that Wombat and Hoshi weren't happy about that. "That is not the issue!" Wombat and Hoshi screamed in sync.

"Does it absolutely have to be Wombat and Hoshi? Could it be something else?" Io asked. "Hmm! Good question! Something about his cuddliness is just right to me. It gives me that "feel so fine" feeling!" Yumoto said, rubbing his cheeks against the two animal-looking-alien-things. "Well, what if they were some other kind of fluffy?" I asked Yumoto. ""I'd consider it." Humorous replied. "Floofy?" Lucy asked Yumoto. "Absolutely!" Yumoto replied. "Well, what about fuzzy?" I asked Yumoto. "That would be fine." He replied. "Like that over there?" Io asked, looking at something. "Oh, that's good!" Yumoto answered, looking at whatever Io was looking at. I turned around to see what they were looking at, and saw Mr. Tawarayama. But he had mold growing on him! 'What the heck?!' I screamed in my mind, disgusted by the very sight.

"What is all this?" Ryuu asked, freaking out a little. "What do you mean "what is it"?! It's obviously mold!" I raised my voice at Ryuu. Atsushi then tried to decreased the smell by waving a piece of cloth around it, but it only made things worse. "Cut it out!" Lucy raise her voice, as she and everybody else covered their mouths and noses to not take in the horrible smell of mold. "Wombat, Hoshi, what happened to your advance science?" Ryuu asked. "We're sorry!" Wombat apologized for Hoshi, as well as himself. "Dang it, Wombat! You forgot that the high temperature and humidity can produce mold growth!" Hoshi told off Wombat, sort of throwing him under the bus. "You know that it's sort of your fault as well!" Lucy told Hoshi, raising her voice a little. " It's fine! Get ride of the mold and the main body will still be fine!" Wombat said, as we put half of Mr. Tawarayama's body outside of the window. Luckily, it was still raining, so we could wash the mold off of Mr. Tawarayama's body a lot faster.

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