Take my picture? - P.10

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Walking to where Jonathan had parked his beat up vehicle had been a bit exhausting but extremely exciting as you held tightly onto his arm careful not to trip on any invisible branches or rocks that may be on a mission to somehow embarrass you. Even though Jonathan had a jacket on you could still feel the growing muscle on his arm that gave the impression that he worked out or his body was just maturing into that of a full grown adult. Though you were sure some of it had been him flexing as a girl held onto him. 

"I can't believe how far you've walked." you commented breaking the silence that had fallen over the two of you. 

"Yeah me neither." he replied with a slight chuckle in his voice. "I guess I really lost track of time. It was light outside when I started."

"Don't you get lonely walking around the woods for so long by yourself?" you asked surprised that he would spend so much time wondering around by himself even if he had been looking for his brother. 

"No I like being alone." he started though he paused for a brief moment before continuing. "I'm really glad I ran into you though."

His already soft voice managed to become even more softer as he spoke. While you listened you desperately tried to control your growing nerves and keep your hands from shaking at a noticeable rate. Though, as you examined the outline of his body in the dark it was easy to tell that he seemed just as nervous as you had been. 

"I'm really glad I ran into you too." you replied with as much confidence as you could gather. It was hard to believe that just a few days ago you had trouble even looking in his direction and now you were attempting to flirt with him. "I'd rather be with you than all of those people back there."

"R-really?" he stuttered at first before clearing his voice and speaking a more masculine tone that instantly brought a smile to your face. "Why's that? Don't you like to  swim and have fun with a bunch of people?"

"Of course I do." you answered choosing your next words carefully as he seemed to have backed you into an imaginary corner while awaiting a response. Your mind raced trying not to take up more time than necessary. "I don't know....I guess I just would rather walk in the cold at night through the damp woods with you."

Mentally, you congratulated yourself for playing it cool and giving a good non-creepy and normal answered despite wanting to say something embarrassing from the nerves built up in your stomach. Jonathan, however, suddenly stopped walking pulling you to a stop as well as you could no longer pull him forward by the arm. 

"(Y/n)..." he spoke up with a different tone that managed to increase the rate of your heart beat. 

"Y-yeah?" you managed to stutter unsure of what was to come as you slowly let go of his arm as he moved to stand in front of you. 

It was a bit difficult to see him through the darkness though the light of the moon  seemed to be enough to at least see his outline and the features of his face. He didn't answer right away as he took a few slow breaths prepping himself for whatever he was about to say. 

"I know we were interrupted in your room the other night." he started with a slight tremble in his voice. "And I heard what your mom said...ya know when I was hiding under the bed."

"Oh?" you quickly said feeling extremely nervous as you couldn't find anything to else to say as he continued. 

"Alright here goes..." he started before taking a deep breath. "Would you want to be my girlfriend? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to."

Suddenly, you seemed to have forgotten how to speak as his words echoed in your head as if you had mentally made the whole conversation up. This was something you had heard other girls speak about or something that only happened in the movies. It seemed your luck had never been good when it came to guys and in just one moment that luck had completely turned around. He kept his hands tightly in his pocket with his head slightly down toward the ground as you seemed to take longer than expected to provide an answer. 

"I'm sorry..." he started to say though that managed to snap you out of your thoughts.

"Yes." you replied interrupting him making him instantly stop speaking. "Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend."

The words that left your mouth had sounded like a dream. Something you had only imagined yourself saying as you lay in the darkness of your bedroom dreaming up scenarios that you were sure would never actually happen in real life though here you stood in reality  that only felt like a dream.

~~~To be continued~~~

Jonathan Byers x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now