fuhk ur lil gf frnk

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Gerard was in a damn good mood. He woke up on the right side of the bed that morning, drank two cups of coffee, and listened to some of his favorite music while drawing. It was relaxed, simple, and nice. That is, until Kayla decided to walk into the tour bus's living room.

You see, Kayla was Frank's most recent girlfriend and he insisted that she come along on their tour for Danger Days. Gerard didn't like Kayla. She was bitchy, stuck-up, and overly critical of everything- especially Gerard. But most of all, she was stealing Frank's attention. Not that Gerard owned Frank or anything; he was just in love with the man. That's all. No biggie.

However, their days of messy hand jobs, blow jobs, and rim jobs (damn that's a lot of jobs) were over and had been for about ten years. Ever since Frank got his first girlfriend, he had paid little to no attention to his "best friend." That's not to say that it was always like that. No, when Frank was in between girls, he and Gerard were two peas in a pod, constantly with each other and joking and laughing like there was no tomorrow. Those were the moments Gerard enjoyed. They allowed him to pretend, just for a moment, that Frank was his. But alas, reality wouldn't have it.

"Is there any coffee left in the pot?" Kayla asked, looking down on Gerard who was sitting on the couch.

"No, sorry. Didn't know anyone else would be up soon," Gerard apologized, not wanting to rile up the girl.

"Ugh," she rolled her eyes, "Make more in the future, you're not the only one on the bus, even if your fat ass takes up most of the space," she sneered, storming off to the kitchen to make more coffee. Gerard just looked down at his lap and sighed. He took his sketchbook and iPod and went back to his bunk, shutting the curtains and using his phone as a light to continue drawing.


Ray had superpowers. Well, not really, but what he could do was pretty damn close. He had this uncanny ability to sense when something was about to go wrong. When he woke up that morning, his gut twisted and he knew. Shit was gonna go down today.

He shook his head, his hair flopping all over, and opened the curtains to his bunk, stepping out and into the light of the tour bus. He smelled coffee and smiled, walking towards the kitchen.


Mikey absolutely hated mornings. He hated the shining sun, the singing birds, the blooming flowers, but most of all, he hated Kayla, because Kayla hated mornings too. The thing is, even though Mikey absolutely loathed getting up in the morning, he didn't act any differently. He just grunted and got some coffee, hoping that his sour mood would pass soon. Once the bean water passed his lips, it usually did. Kayla, on the other hand, was absolutely determined to make everyone else as miserable as her in the mornings and Mikey just kind of wanted to strangle her for it. It took a lot to get Mikey actually riled up, but Kayla could do the job in an instant. With her bitchy comments, constant complaining, and hogging of the bathroom, she was the perfect nemesis for Mikey.

One more thing that Mikey hated about the woman, was that she had a particular disliking for Gerard, who had never wronged her in his life. Mikey did not tolerate any kind of unkindness towards his brother, so having Kayla in the same living space as Gerard and him made things a little tense. Actually, it was more than just a little tense. It was extremely tense, almost palpable in the air.

As Mikey rolled out of bed and into the living room, he could practically feel the stink eye Kayla was giving him. The skank knew Mikey hated her, and so she hated him too. She just had an irrational hatred for the Way brothers.

"Morning," Ray greeted from the kitchen. Mikey groaned in response, making Ray laugh and walk out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in one hand. He gave it to Mikey, making sure not to spill any of the precious liquid. Mikey took it gratefully and had a sip, his face almost immediately relaxing. Although caffeine took about 15 minutes to take affect, the Way brothers were maybe just a little psychologically addicted to it, so at the first sip, they automatically felt better.

Kayla cleared her throat from her place on the couch, obviously expecting some kind of acknowledgement.

"Oh, g'morning," Mikey grunted. Kayla rolled her eyes.

"Good morning, Michael," she replied. She never used his nickname and that just made Mikey hate her even more. He tried to ignore it, but it irked him endlessly.

"Have you seen Gerard? He's normally up pretty early," Mikey asked.

"Oh, he was grumpy when I saw him and went to his bunk to pout," she said dismissively. Mikey grimaced at her words and nodded.

"Kay, thanks," he said, turning on his heels and heading to Gerard's designated bunk. He whipped open the curtains.

"Rise and shine motherfucker," he said monotonously. Gerard hissed at the light.

"Bro, what the fuck. I have risen and shined all I want, now I want bunk time," Gerard complained. He didn't want to admit that he was sulking because of what Kayla said earlier. Mikey put a hand on his hip.

"Too bad, it's family time, and family time means get out of your fucking bed," Mikey said. Gerard sighed dramatically and got up, dragging himself out of his bunk and leaving behind his drawing materials.

He trudged into the living area and plopped down on a couch, immediately opening Twitter and tweeted his regular "good morning" before scrolling through his feed mindlessly.  He checked his mentions and smiled at some of the art people had tagged him in. He liked what he could and replied to some of his favorites.

"Hey Gee!" Ray chirped from the kitchen. He was in a pretty good mood now, despite his earlier feeling of dread. He chose to ignore it, be careful, and just let things play out.

its unedited, but first chapter binches!! I'm excited, are you excited!? I have so much plot written out for this so I'm gonna try to update regularly, but those of you on my ao3 know im pretty bad at that. But I'll do my best I promise!! They might be a tad slow because school is going on but I'm gonna try to make them regularly, even if it's once every couple weeks. My goal is at least once a week, but there may be times when I update more or less just because of what I can do and I don't pre-write chapters. Anyways, comments and votes are much appreciated!! also, do you think Ray's gut feeling is right?? If so what do you think is gonna happen??

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