hahahha i bet u thought u were done with cryng

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The funeral was small and simple, just like he would've liked it. The casket was laying in a bed of blood-red roses. The man inside was dressed in an all black tuxedo. His skin was a sickly pale, his already gaunt features even more defined then usual. Sunken cheeks and a sharp jawline made him look just as cadaverous as he was.

As different people, friends and family, filed passed the coffin, Gerard and Frank stood off to the side, not daring to look. Frank had an arm wrapped comfortingly around Gerard, seeing as no words could heal the laceration in his heart.

Frank tried to keep a straight face, occasionally smiling grimly at Gerard. He couldn't break down in front of the man in his arms, weary from crying. He squeezed Gerard's shoulder and looked at the near empty chapel. Everyone had already given their condolences and visited the casket, so there was no reason for most of them to stay. Funerals werent the most pleasant of events, anyways.

Eventually, Frank and Gerard were the only ones left. Ray had said goodbye and hugged them both before leaving. He had stayed the longest, not wanting to go until absolutely necessary.

Gerard and Frank walked up to the open coffin and looked down. Gerard breath hitched and a single crystalline  tear fell from his eye and onto the face of the man below him.

~one week ago~

When Frank turned the light on, he was more than surprised at what he saw.

"Gerard?" he asked. The room was silent. When Gerard looked up at Frank, his face was red from crying, dry tears stained his cheeks.

"It's Mikey, Frank," he said. "He's gone," he trailed off into a fit of sobbing.


They had put the drunk driver in jail, but that didn't change the fact that Mikey was dead, and never coming back.


"Gerard," Frank started.

"I know," Gerard assured. "Don't worry, I know."


yeah whoops I hate me too don't worry

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