shit shit shit mother faxking shit

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Gerard hadn't realized he'd closed his eyes until he opened them. When he did, his heart sank. Frank was staring at him with disgust, as if he was something nasty he stepped on in a high school lunchroom.

"You...what?" Frank said quietly, voice wavering with anger.

"I- I love you," Gerard said with less force than before.

"I can't believe you- WHAT THE HELL!?" Frank slammed his clenched fist against the wall. "What the fuck is your problem!?"

"I didnt- I'm sorry, I-" Frank interrupted Gerard.

"You're fucking sick!" Frank accused. "Fucking- I can't believe I've been living with you and you're gay fucking crush!"

"I thought- but you," Gerard stuttered. He could feel the panic welling up inside of him.

"Thought I what!? That I'd be okay with this shit!? That I'd actually care about you!?" Frank sneered.

"But what about before- at the beginning?" Gerard pleaded, grasping for straws. He needed something, anything, to tell him that this wasn't happening, that Frank didn't actually hate him.

"What, you mean when I used to use you to get off? That was nothing. It was an experiment- a mistake. You were a mistake. Still fucking are," Frank spat.

"No!" Gerard's voice was hoarse from images tears. His breathing was uneven and his eyes wide. "You- you promised! You said we'd be okay! You said we'd always be friends!"

"Why would I want to be friends with someone like you? You're a disgusting fuck-up, a pain in the ass, a faggot," Frank taunted. He didn't know where all this anger came from, but he couldn't stop.

"Stop, please- just- Frankie," Gerard whimpered.

"What, the little faggot can't take it? I can't believe you. You're a fucking waste of space."

"Fr- Frank," Gerard gasped. "But I- I-"

"What, you 'love' me? Get real. I'm not here to fulfill your dumbass gay fantasies!" Frank yelled. "You're nothing to me. You never will be."

Tears were flowed down Gerard's face as he tried to catch his breath. His head was spinning and he felt nauseous. He saw Mikey and Ray enter the bus, followed by Kayla shortly after. He watched Mikey storm over to them and yell at Frank. He noticed Ray kneel next to him, trying to get him to calm down. Wait- when did he get on the ground. The world around him wasn't making sense. All he could register was Ray speaking to him worriedly before everything went black.


Hazel Eyes <frerard>Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon