oh damn that ain't good

443 33 11

When Frank got out of the bathroom that morning, he was not expecting what he saw. A something ceramic was shattered on the floor, brown liquid spilled everywhere, even on Kayla's shirt. There were splatters of blood on the ground mixed with what Frank assumed was coffee. Kayla was screeching her head off at Gerard who looked absolutely terrified and Ray was off to the side with Mikey, holding a hand firmly in place on the latter's shoulder, seemingly to keep him from jumping into the commotion.

"What the actual fuck is going on?!" Frank questioned, tearing his eyes away from the one-sided screaming match so that he could look at Ray. He seemed to be the most calm in the situation, but still looked like he was about the fuckin fight.

"Kayla and Gerard had a..." Ray paused, looking for a word that might lighten the situation a bit, "disagreement," he settled on.

~earlier that morning~

The morning was moving by agonizingly slowly. Their driver was up in the front, driving of course, while the band members, excluding Frank, and Kayla were in the living area, all sipping their respective cups of coffee. 

Mikey and Ray were playing a game of chess on their phones while Gerard was on twitter and Kayla was doing who knows what. To put it simply, "family time" ended up being phone time.

However, Gerard made a huge fucking mistake. He got up. Maybe when he stood up, he stepped on some sort of invisible switch of the universe that, when pressed, makes everything go to shit. Or maybe when Gerard stood up, he unbalanced the cosmic scale, causing everything to land in chaos. Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

Gerard went into the kitchen area to refill his coffee mug. He was humming a little tune he was working on while he watched the machine drip coffee into his Batman themed ceramic mug. Once it was done, he picked it up and turned around to go back to the living space. But the thing is, while he had his back turned, he didn't notice Kayla walk in behind him. He was too spaced out, thinking of random things like new song lyrics and drawings, that comic he wanted to finish, etc. He had no idea that that would be his demise.

Because of his obliviousness to the girl behind him, reaching up to a cabinet that was off to the side, he ran straight into her, causing them both to fall. A loud crash was heard as the mug flew out of Gerard's hand, shattering on the floor, spilling coffee everywhere. Kayla and Gerard both screeched as they tumbled down to the ground in a heap of limbs, luckily not onto the broken pieces of the mug.

Gerard scrambled off, but he slipped on coffee and fell back down. He tried to catch himself but ended up slicing his hand open on a shard of the ceramic Batman logo. Blood dripped down his palm and onto the ground in little red splatters. Kayla was spluttering in shock and outrage as she picked herself up. Gerard stumbled as he stood up and leaned against a wall, cradling his bleeding hand. Mikey and Ray rushed over to see what all the noise was.

Kayla looked over at Gerard and glared at him, practically snarling as she breathed heavily, anger boiling up inside of her.

"You stupid fucking pig!" she shrieked. "I cant believe you fucking did that!"

Mikey was about to intervene, but Ray stopped him, because he knew that if Mikey joined in, it would only get worse.

"I- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! I-" Gerard quickly tried to apologize, not wanting to be assaulted by Kayla's fury.

"You didn't mean to!? You fucking slammed into me and knocked me to the ground like the god damn whale you are! I can't believe I have to put up with this shit!" Kayla continued, not giving Gerard a chance to defend himself. "You're so fucking worthless and pathetic! You always just mess everything up! Did you know that this blouse was $400!? And you ruined it!" The insults and ranting continued on and on. She battered Gerard with her words, this mistake seeming to be the "last straw" for her. She always saw some kind of fault in Gerard, and it was mainly because she knew Frank and Gerard were best friends, and she wanted Frank all to herself. That and the fact that she was just an awful human being.

~back to the first paragraph~

Kayla whipped her head around, anger seeming to fade into sickly sweetness when she saw her boyfriend.

"Frankie!" she squealed like a dying hog. "Frankie, Gerard hurt me! He's being so mean!" She fake cried, collapsing into Frank's arms.

"Is this true!?" He asked, anger building up inside at Gerard. He couldn't believe his best friend would do that!

"No! I just- it was an accident, I didn't mean it!" Gerard pleaded, looking absolutely helpless.

"He's lying!" Kayla sobbed into Frank's chest. "He shoved me to the ground and threw his mug at me!" She accused. Mikey was furious, but stood back. He and Ray technically hadn't seen anything, only the aftermath, so they knew their words wouldn't be enough for Kayla and Frank. Whenever Kayla was concerned, it was like Frank became a different person, completely wrapped around her manicured finger.

"Gerard, what the hell!" Frank yelled.

"I'm sorry, Frankie, I didn't-" Gerard was cut off by Frank again.

"Don't call me that! I can't believe you would do that to her! What did she ever do wrong!?" Frank demanded.

"I'm sorry," Gerard whimpered. The dam broke finally and tears were streaming down his face. Blood from his throbbing hand soaked the front of his shirt, turning the light grey into a dark red stain. Frank's gaze drifted to the wound and his face softened. He looked back up and saw Gerard's tears and immediately felt guilty for making his best friend of ten years cry like that. He finally understood that it was indeed a misunderstanding. Kayla was probably just confused in the commotion, right?

Frank sighed and wiped a hand down his face. "Let's get you bandaged up Gee," Frank said. He went into the bathroom, beckoning for Gerard to follow and leaving Kayla behind to scowl at their backs. He searched the cabinets for their emergency first aid kit, finally finding it in the back, hidden by a stack of hand towels. He gestured for Gerard to sit down on a stepping stool. The older man complied and seated himself before Frank, who kneeled down in front of him.

"Give me your hand," Frank said gently. Gerard removed it from his shirt, the wet fabric sticking a bit to his bloody skin. He hissed in pain at the movement that stretched open the wound. Frank furrowed his eyebrows and purses his lips; the cut might need stitches, but there wouldn't be a doctor for a long while and Gerard hated needles. He decided to just clean the wound, put some antiseptic on it, bandage it up, and hope for the best.

Once he was done wrapping Gerard's hand he sighed and looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, Gee. I just get really protective," he apologized sincerely. Gerard gazed at him full of love and sadness.

"I know, it's okay," he said. It wasn't okay. No, it wasn't because Frank yelled at him or because he got hurt or anything else. What really stabbed Gerard in the heart was the fact that Frank instantly took the side of a girl he'd known barely five months over his best friend who he'd known for ten years. The fact that Frank was so quick to abandon Gerard. That's what stung.

"Thanks for understanding, you're the best," Frank smiled and patted Gerard's knee. He stood up and stretched before exiting the bathroom, leaving Gerard sitting alone. Gerard stared as Frank walked away; he was all to familiar with the sight.

WHOOPS I JUST REALLY ENJOY WRITING THIS I DIDN'T MEAN TO UPDATE AGAIN TODAY I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FREE TIMEON THE WEEKENDS. the reason I never pre-write chapters is that I get too excited to wait to post them bc I wanna see you guys' responses and feedback lmao. so yeah enjoy chapter two.

Hazel Eyes <frerard>Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora