frnk r u done bean a btch

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"Gerard," Frank sat down next to him on the couch. Gerard had been staying at Frank's house for the past two weeks, ever since Mikey died. Both Frank and Ray thought that it wouldn't be safe to let Gerard be alone during a time like that, so they spoke to Gerard and he agreed to their proposition. Part of him knew it was a good idea, but mostly, he was just too depressed to argue.

Ray made up some bullshit about Christa being sick, when in reality, he just wanted Frank and Gerard to finally make(out) up. So Gerard gathered some necessities and Frank picked him up, driving them both to his house where they would plan the funeral. Gerard stayed afterwards, all three of them thinking that Gerard still needed company.

"I think it's about time we talk," Frank suggested.

Gerard shrugged. Frank sighed.

"I'm pretty sure we should go ahead and get it over with."

Another shrug.

"I know it's been eating at you and I know you're in a lot of pain, but-"

"No," Gerard interrupted. "You don't know."

"Yes," Frank insisted, "I do. Mikey was my friend."

"He was my brother, Frank! My best friend ever since he was born! My little dude! My fucking world! He's always been there for me and now he's gone!" Gerard screamed, sobbing into his sweatshirt-covered hands.

"I've lost people too!" Frank said. "I need you to understand that I'm here for you. I care, and I want you to know that you're not alone!"

"But I am alone!" Gerard wailed. "I always am and always will be! No one fucking cares, not even the man I thought was my best friend! Ray doesn't want me in his house, I doubt you want me here either! And now Mikey is gone and I- I," Gerard gulped for air. "I want to die!"

Frank could pinpoint the exact second his universe stopped and shattered.

He hadn't heard Gerard say those words in so long. He rushed in front of Gerard and held him tight in his arms.

"I don't want to hear you talk like that. Never," Frank whispered. "You are not alone. I swear, just seeing you, even under such bad circumstances has made me happier than I've ever been since our last tour. I want you here, I promise. I always will."

"But all the things you said," Gerard sniffed. "All the shit you put me through-"

"We're mistakes," Frank finished. "All of it. I'm an idiot, always have been. But I love you so much. I told you, it was over a year ago, but I told you. I was scared. I was so terrified. Not just of losing the band, but of losing you. Now I don't have either, and I regret everything so much. Most of all, I regret ever making you cry."

Gerard didn't say anything, just clung onto Frank like his life depended on it. He whimpered into his shirt, trembling in Frank's strong arms.

"Shhh, it'll be okay Gee, it'll be okay," Frank soothed him, rocking him back and forth until the tired man fell asleep in his arms.

I know it's really short but I wanted to separate this and the next part into different chapters,, you'll see why.

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