gee ur such an angel im sry

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About a year later, the band officially broke up through a one paragraph post on their website. Frank was unaware it was happening until it did- but he honestly should have expected it. He and Gerard hadn't spoken since the incident at Frank's house and the other band members would only contact him if necessary. As it turned out, Frank's plan of not letting his feelings destroy the band ended up being what did the band in.

Frank spent a lot of time staring at walls. They were always there, a steady presence in his life where nothing seemed to work out. They also have him a chance to think. Well. It was more just him regretting everything, mulling over all their interactions, especially towards the end, and thinking of what he should have done. What he should have said. The words "I love you" were often amongst those.

He hadn't played his guitar in months and the callouses on his fingers were startling to fade. He just couldn't find the motivation to do much, other than stalk Gerard on twitter. A small smile found its way into his lips. Gerard had always loved twitter since he first got it. It was one of the things Frank liked about Gerard- how if he found something he enjoyed, he latched onto it and did it all the time. He was a little obsessive, but not in a way that caused inconvenience.

Frank often wondered how he had never noticed Gerard's feelings for him. Maybe he was so caught up in the idea that it would never work out that he couldn't see what was right there. He couldn't see what would've been the best thing in his life. Now it was just the best thing that never happened.

Frank had a lot of dreams about Gerard. He dreamed that they were together, that everything was okay. He dreamed that he hadn't fucked up, that the band was still together. But most of all, he dreamed that Gerard still loved him- how could he after all Frank had done to him?


Frank's new album, Stomachaches, was now out. He had poured all his emotions into it; all his regrets and love and anger could be found within the songs. He was actually quite proud of that album. He thought that maybe it would help him move on. Well, that was until he found himself at the post office.


When Gerard looked at the package, he immediately recognized the return address. It had been sent by Frank. He took in a shaky breath and opened it to find a CD. It was Frank's solo album.

He found himself putting it in his computer. It was out of curiosity, he told himself.

When the guitar kicked in and he heard the first lyrics, his heart stopped.

All I want is you.
All I want is you.

I think back to the heart attack
When our world seemed so brand new
I wasted time with a crooked spine 
When I really should have spent it with you

All I want is nothing
Cause all I want is what I can't have
All I want is nothing
If I can't have just one more second of your undivided attention

All I want is you
All I want is you

Gerard felt hot tears streaming down his face. Frank wasn't lying when he said he loved Gerard. He was confused, sure, but he wasn't lying. Gerard sniffed and listen to the rest of the album. When "She's the Prettiest Girl" came on, he was full on sobbing.

They could've been so much. Gerard didn't regret leaving that day, but he sure as hell regretted not fighting for Frank earlier on. He wasn't sure if this made him forgive the words that still haunted him ever since the argument on the bus over a year ago. But it was definitely a start. He understood where Frank was coming from- the band was the world to him, though that didn't excuse his behavior. It did, however, make Gerard love him just a little bit more. This Frank, the one spilling his soul into the music, the one trying his hardest to win Gerard back, was the Frank that Gerard had fallen hard for.


Frank's palms were sweating, almost making him drop his phone. He had a twitter notification, and it was from Gerard. He opened it, taking a deep breath and looking at his screen. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't that.

It was simple, just a short tweet congratulating Frank on his new album. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing to tell Frank how Gerard felt about it, how he felt about Frank.


Once he was done touring, he went home disappointed. He didn't know why he expected Gerard to come to one of his shows, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt when he didn't. Every night he would search the cloud for the familiar face, and ever night be was left with a hollow heart.

He took a while unlocking his door as he fumbled with his keys. He threw his bag on the floor and looked at his home. It was just as he left it.

Except there was someone seated on his couch.


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