swiggity swoo fuck u

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Frank woke up with a groan. His curtains were cracked and light flickered through the entrance, blinding him. He turned his head in the opposite direction to see Kayla hogging most of the bunk, as per usual. He looked down and noticed he had morning wood. Instead of waking up Kayla to have some fun, he decided to take care of it himself in the bathroom. It didn't really give him much pleasure, just relief. Once he was done, he went back to his bunk, only to find that his girlfriend had taken up the rest of the space. He sighed and went to the couch to continue his sleeping, not bothering to wonder why the light was on at 4 am and why Gerard's curtains were open but the man was nowhere in sight.


"Frank, wake the fuck up," Mikey ordered. Frank groggily opened his eyes, squinting at the lanky frame in front of him.

"Wha- Hey, Mikey, what time is it?" Frank asked. 

"Noon. I need you to tell me where Gerard is. Now," Mikey demanded, a hint of urgency in his voice.

"I don't know? I woke up in the middle of the night and came out here. Haven't seen him since," he paused, "yesterday."

Mikey grimaced. "None of us have either."

"Wait so he's-"

"Missing, yeah. Frank this hasn't happened since that time back in 2004," Mikey confirmed. "I'm really worried about him. He was so upset last night, I don't want him doing something stupid."

Frank just grunted in recognition of Mikey's statement. He was worried about Gerard too, but he had to keep up his uncaring façade.


Gerard didn't really know where he was. All he knew was that there was booze, and lots of of it. He took a swig from his beer and scratched at his neck. He had gone so long sober, all to wind up back in some stranger's house at a party just like the old days. The old days, Gerard thought. He took another sip to block out the memories.

~3 days later~

Mikey had been going insane. They were currently staying at a hotel in the city where they had last stopped- the city Gerard went missing in. They had posted a message onto their website, asking for help in finding him. They were desperate.

Mikey was also really fucking tired of Frank's shit. He was just laying around without a care instead of helping them search for Gerard. They had all gotten into several arguments over the course of the last three days. Ray was generally there to stop them, but he was out getting food while the others were in the hotel room, taking a break from their looking.

"He's just being dramatic. It's all a stunt," Frank rolled his eyes, pretending that he believed what he was saying. He knew it wasn't. He just wanted to convince himself that Gerard didn't matter to him.

However, that comment set Mikey off. The normally stoic man had had enough. He gripped the front of Frank's shirt and aggressively pushed him up against the nearest wall. His face twisted into an expression of pure fury.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut, asshole. You have no right to say anything about my brother. Not after that fucking shit you pulled," Mikey growled. Frank looked at him stone-faced.

"He's just a fucking baby looking for attention," Frank taunted.


Frank's face whipped to the side with Mikey's harsh slap.

"Don't you dare!" he yelled. "You have put him through so much pain for ten years and now he goes missing after you blow up on him just for admitting how he feels! You think this is some kind of coincidence!? This is your fault! You did this to him!" Frank had never seen Mikey so angry, and he was honestly scared. That skinny dude had a lot of strength hidden in him.

"Did you know that he's been in love with you since he met you?" Mikey asked. "Did you know that he used to giggle to me like a schoolgirl because you would compliment him? Did you know that he would come to me in the middle of the night crying each time you got a new girlfriend? Did you know he stopped the drinking and the drugs for you? Did you know that he's been starving himself recently? Did you know that he's been tearing himself apart because of you? Did you know that you broke him!?" Mikey yelled, trying to catch his breath. "No, you didn't know any of that because you're such a self-absorbed dick who only cares about getting laid by his bitchy girlfriends. You don't know anything because you're so blind to the man that would fucking die for you without hesitation."

Frank gulped. "I- he's- he'll come back," he said, more to himself than Mikey.

"When we find him and get back home, I don't ever want to see your fucking face again, got it?" Mikey warned. Frank nodded.

short but I really wanted to update. comment if ur suffering with me.

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