hey this makes me suffer in a g00d way

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"So, Gerard," Frank said after a while. "I kind of need to know, um. Fuck I don't know how to put this..."

"Just say it Frankie," Gerard said, slightly confused.

"I, well. Do you still like me? I mean, like like me?" Frank asked. Gerard snorted.

"Frank were not in the third grade. But yes, I still do, fucking loser," Gerard laughed for the first time since Mikey died and it sounded like the angels' bells to Frank.

"Good," Frank said, a goofy smile on his face. However, it was replaced with a frown because of Gerard next statement.

"That doesn't mean I forgive you though," he said.


"Frank, you hurt me so fucking bad. I can't just let that go," Gerard said seriously.

"I- I know," Frank mumbled. "I just- I guess I thought we were okay now." Gerard's face softened.

"Just because I don't forgive you yet, doesn't mean I won't in the future," he assured him. Frank smiled at that.

"Then I'm going to make sure I make it up to you," Frank said, a determined look on his face. Gerard shook his head, a small laugh leaving his lips.

"You don't have to do something grand; just give me time, and be there for me," he said. Frank nodded.

"Okay," he said. "I'll do whatever you ask. Just- can I say it?"

"Say what?" Gerard furrowed his eyebrows.

"I love you," Frank replied.


Ever since Frank had that talk with Gerard, he took every chance possible to tell the man how he felt. From morning till evening, he wouldn't let Gerard forget it. Gerard would roll his eyes and give a playful smile each time, occasionally saying it back. Whenever he heard those words, his heart fluttered and he felt a strange warmth swell up in his chest.

again, really short, but I swear the next one will be longer. The weekend is over, so updates will be slower, so like I said at the beginning, i might just update on like Saturdays or smthn.

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