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Guys I screwed up I thought I hadn't mentioned Mason's dad's first name in First Love vs Mate now I saw that I actually did so I'll probably change it in FL v M because I only mentioned it that one time. So to be clear Mason and Perrie's dad is called Greg. K enjoy the book even if the writer is blundering fool and please guys vote and comment. Give me your feedback I'd love to know.


"Dammit" cursed Derek looking at the button in his hands. He was getting ready for a meeting while I was blowdrying my hair.

"What happened?" I ask

"I guess I was in a hurry and broke of the button" he said holding up the button "I'll change into another shirt"

"Wait do you have a needle and thread I can sow it on for you" I offer

"Yeah I guess my mom put a set in the third drawer" sure enough it was there.

"I thought you weren't meeting up with Asher till a few weeks" I asked while putting the thread through the needle

"I am this is just a pack meeting. I have inform the trackers and warriors on the changes and new game plan" he explained

"Is Asher bringing Isla too?" I ask while sewing on the button.

"Yeah his is. His parents and sisters are coming too" said Derek

"What about Dylan is he coming too" I ask a little too excitedly

"Dylan? How do you know Dylan?" Asks Derek with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't know? Dylan was the first one to find me after I shifted for the first time" I said "he brought me here"

"What? You mean he saw you... you" his eyes bulge out in shock and it takes me a few seconds to figure out what he means.

"No he didn't see me naked" I roll my eyes and bite the thread of at the base.

"Then how did he find you tell me the whole story" he demands.

"I lived in a town near Asher's pack I don't know what happened but one second I was attacked by some homeless dude"

"WHAT!?" Derek interrupted me

"I totally peppersprayed him don't worry. But I couldn't stop shaking then it seemed like something was telling me to go into the forest and that's where I shifted" I shrug at the end.

"And Dylan found you like that"

"Yeah he told me to go behind a tree and think happy thoughts. Then his friend Peter brought me some clothes and they threw them my way. I got dressed without them seeing me naked. OK" I emphasize "then Dylan explained everything about werewolves to me and figured out that I might be a part of your pack because I was born in Brookwood and that's how I came here. End of story"

"It's surprising Dylan had enough of a brain to figure that out" mutters Derek

"You should give him more credit Dylan is actually a really good guy" I said

"Well remind me to keep this good guy away from my mate" he sneers

"I can't believe your jealous of Dylan of all people" I shake my head

"I'll be jealous of any man who tries to even look your way" he admits

"Why? Why does it affect you so much" I ask crossing my arms at him.

Derek doesn't answer just looks at me but his gaze seems to answer all of my questions. His eyes pierce into to my soul and I see everything the want, the need and the love. He moves closer not breaking his gaze for a second running his fingertips on the side of my arm I shudder at his touch moving my head looking away. He lowers his head to lightly brush his lips over my cheeks and goes down towards my neck inhaling my scent. I rest my fingers on his arms moving backwards falling into his arms.

I feel it his love for me. It's begging me to reply to admit that I too am in love with him.

The realization brings me back to reality and I break away from his grip moving away from him. Derek looks at me with confusion and tries to come near me again I move back stopping him in his tracks.

"I.... I have to go" I run out of the room like a coward and go downstairs into the kitchen. Derek leaves without a word or acknowledging me probably hurt by my reaction. I lean my head against the wall and let my knees fall to the ground. I can't forget even after two years I can't forget how my heart was once broken. How I let my guard down and fell face first all because of the man I trusted. I wish I could tell Derek how I'm too scared to fall in love again.

Two years ago I lived with a family friend named Tina in New York City. I was completely self sufficient I worked as a barista in a local coffee shop and paid for rent, school and saved up for college all from my salary. I wasn't one of the popular kids in school but I wasn't a nobody either I had my friends and no one seemed to mess with me. That was until Nick Levinson took notice of me he was one of the popular kids. One day he came up to me after school when no one was around and asked me on a date. I said yes and soon we began to meet up at malls or the theater going on normal teenage dates nothing special. Now I wasn't those types of girls who began to dream of weddings and a future with their high school crush no I just wanted to enjoy the present I had with him but I would soon realize even that was all a lie. With time I started to trust him and tell him all my pain and fears about my mom's death, not knowing my dad and my fear of being left alone he would listen to it all and wipe away the tears. I finally felt like I had found someone that was here to stay. Just a week into the relationship he wanted to takes things further but I was hesitant. That was the first time I saw the other side of him he threw a fit saying that I didn't trust him and everything I said to him the past few days was a lie. Not wanting to disappoint him I gave in and did as he said eventhough a voice inside of me was screaming not to do it. Nick told me to leave soon after saying his parents would be home soon and they didn't like him having girls over. The next day at school I came upon Nick's tweet 'Nailed Perrie Adams Yesterday'. I was labeled a slut and hoe while he was made into a hero. All my friends abandoned me and I was left alone again. I went up to him and demanded why he did that to me why had he played me. I can still see him now saying those words to me in the school hallway. It's funny how to some they're just words but to others they're daggers that create wounds that never seem to heal.

"You really thought I loved you" he spat "no loves you Perrie your father didn't, your mother didn't and neither will anyone else"

"You're damaged goods and I'm sorry no one wants to deal with that". He added. I didn't say anything back just turned around and left school while everyone laughed at me.

I decided as I had no one to begin with I'd pack my stuff and move somewhere where no one knew me. I cut all ties with my so called friends and moved to a small town completing my senior year in the local high school.

I swore to myself the day I left the city to become a new person someone who isn't weak, someone who doesn't need anyone, someone who doesn't need love.

I guess life had other plans for me. I've met this great guy who seems to care but even if I try to trust him my mind won't let me........

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